Art sucks. Poetry sucks. Everything is fucked. I suck. You suck. So if I am so anti-everything, why do I even bother "creating" anything? Well one has to do something with one's time. Welcome to my playground. I am the Dissident Poetician. Doing Poetician stuff is what i do. "Art is dead, don’t consume its corpse" - graffiti in the streets of Paris, May 68. Long live the spirit of May 68. Piss in the fountain of dada.
About Me

- dissident poetician
- i am the dissident poetician...i tear down fences with sardonic sardines and metaphysical cucumbers
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Even the smallest creatures can carry the entire world in their own hands. To burden oneself with such a weight is to say yes to all of eternity. Candle burning bright for ever more, unable to be blown out. Whoever says not to punch above your own weight is someone who is way too overly cautious. From little things, big things grow. So start small and you can begin to make a break from those habits that are dragging you down and holding you behind. Without being shackled by chains, imagine all the incredible things that you would be able to do. You can achieve whatever it is that your mind can conceive of. The possibilities are limitless. Don't let anyone or anything get in the way of bringing your dreams into fruition. To break down walls between others and yourself, you don't always need to resort to brute force. You can always bridge the gap using all the love and compassion that resides in your heart. A heart that hurts is a heart that works. Kindness is not necessarily a weakness. It can also provide an example for others to follow. If you treat others the way you would like to be treated, then people with similar values will notice and follow suit. A transfer service for collective karma. Even the most seemingly insignificant act of loving kindness matters. It sure beats cruelty and extreme malevolence. Many awesome things come in small packages. Those who are on the receiving end of others' good intentions and generosity, more than than they are at the source of the transaction, must also learn to give themselves. You can't expect to go through life taking everything you can from others without reciprocating their generosity. A relationship is not a one way street. Stop going down the wrong side of the road. The precious gift, that is life, is meant to be shared by us all. Desist from hoarding resources for yourself at the expense of everyone else. The universe and all of existence belongs to one and all. Everyone has a role to play in it's unfolding. No one life is worth more than any other.
Separated from one another by fear and hatred, we are all too caught up competing with others to see who's ego is most important when in fact we are all equally valuable as commodities to be sold on the free market. This makes us really malleable and enables those devoid of the ability to feel compassion to easily manipulate us as if we were puppets. This is unacceptable. We need to stop selling our bodies and reclaim our minds from those who want us do as they please. We should all be treated equally in the eye of the law. Even better, we should stop following laws that are completely nonsensical. Breaking laws can give us all a taste of liberation, just as long as we don't harm others. Crimes against property have the capacity to provide others with an example of liberty. Rob from the rich to give to the poor. In my humble opinion, 'Robin Hood' should be the only book that is read by every single person on the earth, instead of the bible. Why should billionaires have the right to hoard away a ridiculous amount of money when billions of their fellow human beings are living in chains? Such inequality is simply and utterly obscene. Nobody should be dying from starvation or preventable diseases. All such tragedies are the result of the incessant greed of a small minority and the violence they use in order to uphold the status quo. They care not if other people are getting bombs dropped on them just so their share prices can go up. Vapid, heartless vultures they are. All capitalists deserve to die more than the victims of their insatiable desires. Having said that, I believe that no single living sentient being deserves to have their lives brought to an end prematurely. All life in the entire universe is sacred and its much sought after meaning is beyond what the majority of mere mortals are able to comprehend. All phenomena are interconnected including, of course, the souls of all sentient beings. We all need each other and each atom needs to interact with every other atom in perfect unison in order for life itself to be sustained. All the most basic elements of life are linked to all the other parts in such a way that they flow from the inexplicable origin back to the source. Nobody is a waste of space. Everybody had the basic right to live a life that is free from of coercion from those bastards who are in a position of power, who take advantage of those who own far fewer worldly possessions. From a young age, many people are brainwashed into believing that an imaginary higher power will reward good behaviour and punish those actions their rulers deem to be undesirable. We are all taught that it is a virtue to be greedy and acquisitive, and that it doesn't matter how much damage is done to the lives of other sentient beings in order for us to sustain our luxurious and comfortable lifestyles. Such behavior, I believe, is not natural at all. The way we act is largely influenced by the bogus world view that we are sold by the mainstream media and the corporations that control our increasingly meaningless lives. It's time for all of humanity to make a stand. Let's all unite and take up the fight against untrammeled greed. Education is the key. Never stop questioning the current social order. It's glaringly obvious that we all live in a completely fucked up world. Even blind Freddy can see this in those rare moments in which he is not blindfolded by recycled spectacles and trivial distractions of the electronic variety. Even the most optimistic realist would tell us that the prospects of making the world a less violent and more habitable place for every single living organism is quite slim. While the world is indeed an ugly place at times, all the tragic events that keep replicating like a photocopy of a picture of an industrial photocopying machine being cloned on a production line, with the aid of surplus people who are being exploited by the major players of capitalist excess and paid meager wages, can be brought to a halt if we were all to join forces and fight our common enemies, rather than one another. Stop competing! No more sweat shops, no more waste, no more depleted uranium bomb showers. No one single human being who inhabits this amazing planet should be treated as a surplus object. We are all vital notes in the song of life and have a part to play in the earth's chances of survival in the face of climate change denial and widespread and rampant environmental destruction. Spread forth not seeds of greed and apathy, but rather stick some seeds of compassion and truth into the ground. Change begins with the dissemination of truth in the airwaves of the guerrilla radio by all of us who refuse to conform and bow down to the dictates of market's invisible hand, which is normally used to masturbate over an image of a big fat, bloated dollar sign, printed in the blood of those who are referred to as collateral damage by Uncle Sam. Education is a human right and everybody deserves to know the truth about what's really taking place in all the poverty-stricken and war torn parts of the world, instead of just what transpires in their own geographical prison of jingoistic pride. If they had even the slightest clue about how many people are being exploited to the maximum, in ways that they can all relate to, then they would perhaps begin to create counter-culture that is aimed at opening up the eyes of those blinded by the illusion of success and freedom. Everybody has a limit as to how much shit they will cop before they fight back. The counter-cultural revolution that is currently taking place over the internet, is well on its way, gathering steam and momentum in every single subversive communique that we publish for anyone who knows how to use technology to view it's contents. Have you got something to say about the state of the world or the nature of existence itself? If so, I would like to hear about your raison d'être. What drives you? What kind of world do you wish to create for future generations? You could be the catalyst for social change and progress. Pass the parcel if you so desire, but you possess more power in the palm of your hands than you ever believed possible. Lights, camera, action. Let's get the ball rolling again before it's all too late.
Art is dead. Don't piss in its fountain. You cannot put a price on real art. Spontaneous and absurd. Such is the nature of reality. We are all artists, pissing on the canvass of life from each passing moment to the next. Never hand over your sovereignty to anyone. We are all masters of our own destinies. Interconnected. Nothing but filthy animals, knocking at heaven's gate, only to find that there is no point to doing anything at all. Except all and everything. There is no rhyme, nor reason. All of existence is absurd. Signal waiting to pass from one node to the next one. Light seeking asylum from the darkness of existence itself. To live well is to have ventured into the depths of hell and back, only to come back more alive than ever. To put in just the tiniest bit of effort to create art for the sake of negation of society's ridiculous dictates is to knock on the door of all eternity. Life, itself, cannot be denied. It just goes on and on for all of eternity.
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
You lead a carcinogenic lifestyle, walk a golden mile each day so you can consume bourgeois spectacles, help shift capital
Your stomach's full of bile from all the bullshit you've swallowed, you'll never change your ways, stop murdering animals
You were care free for a while, but now you've got debt as long as the Nile, it's just as well because you never gave a fuck
Electronic yuppie, you spent all the money you didn't have on fancy gadgets, but now you've had it, your life's running out of luck
You're stuck in a rut, can't buy shit anymore, no iPhone app can save you from the anxiety you feel, the inadequacy, as alienation rears it's ugly head
Mount Everest of debt, how will you keep up with all the trends, when you can't afford to keep the power on, each waking hour is filled with dread
You're falling behind all your friends, you can no longer pretend that everything is OK, you had no regrets but now you wish you were dead
But suicide is too kind a fate for someone who's already dead inside, no where left to run, so you hide away your pretty head, go eat lead
Because you deserve everything you get, you plastic consumer whore, God's not coming to save you, he bats for the Halliburton Bush Cabal,
It's about time you fled back to flock where you've always been safe, you think you are free but you've only ever had a taste, yes, the world is cruel like Halal
The bullshit you've been eaten is enough to make anyone spew
What will you do when the man with the top hat comes for you?
Your stomach's full of bile from all the bullshit you've swallowed, you'll never change your ways, stop murdering animals
You were care free for a while, but now you've got debt as long as the Nile, it's just as well because you never gave a fuck
Electronic yuppie, you spent all the money you didn't have on fancy gadgets, but now you've had it, your life's running out of luck
You're stuck in a rut, can't buy shit anymore, no iPhone app can save you from the anxiety you feel, the inadequacy, as alienation rears it's ugly head
Mount Everest of debt, how will you keep up with all the trends, when you can't afford to keep the power on, each waking hour is filled with dread
You're falling behind all your friends, you can no longer pretend that everything is OK, you had no regrets but now you wish you were dead
But suicide is too kind a fate for someone who's already dead inside, no where left to run, so you hide away your pretty head, go eat lead
Because you deserve everything you get, you plastic consumer whore, God's not coming to save you, he bats for the Halliburton Bush Cabal,
It's about time you fled back to flock where you've always been safe, you think you are free but you've only ever had a taste, yes, the world is cruel like Halal
The bullshit you've been eaten is enough to make anyone spew
What will you do when the man with the top hat comes for you?
Consumers of the world unite; join forces and take up the fight
Get on your horses, here comes another sale; things are looking bright
So do what you know to be right and support the economy; buy what you fancy
Do it in a hurry; especially if you are hungry for a bargain
Buy that special something; you could be in the running for a prize:
Consumer of the year; remember to be wise and get the right size
Or you may come to a swift demise; the result of one too many fries
Don't deny the addict inside; you know you want it and you want it now
It's ok to bow down to the gods of consumerism; it's not a prison
It's the essence of freedom; the reason why you get up in the mornin'
Get on your horses, here comes another sale; things are looking bright
So do what you know to be right and support the economy; buy what you fancy
Do it in a hurry; especially if you are hungry for a bargain
Buy that special something; you could be in the running for a prize:
Consumer of the year; remember to be wise and get the right size
Or you may come to a swift demise; the result of one too many fries
Don't deny the addict inside; you know you want it and you want it now
It's ok to bow down to the gods of consumerism; it's not a prison
It's the essence of freedom; the reason why you get up in the mornin'
We're on a slippery slope towards a new age of fascism; the emperor still wears no clothes; rampant mental reductionism.
So this is how it goes: society hitting new lows; politicians with no back bones turning back boats.
Sharks in the moat to keep out desperate folk; it's getting beyond a joke; we like our eggs white with no yolk.
Two sides of the same coin, treating people like toys; off with their loins for they are raping little boys.
Stripping young girls of dignity; unable to see their humanity; as Reclaim Australia attack their enemies; keep it all within the family.
Of white-middle class progeny; no longer colour blind, they want to prevent the most heinous of crimes.
By spreading hatred and disinformation; slaves to the free market; we're headed towards a dark destination.
As we fire bullets into scapegoats: unpeople without a mainstream voice; cleaning the mess with white soap, kicking up a fuss and making some noise.
But we all still have a choice to dwell in ignorance despite evidence to the contrary or to wake up and fight our real enemies.
We all bleed red, we all need love and compassion, can't you see? Open your mind, sow the seeds of tolerance and peace, set your mind free.
So this is how it goes: society hitting new lows; politicians with no back bones turning back boats.
Sharks in the moat to keep out desperate folk; it's getting beyond a joke; we like our eggs white with no yolk.
Two sides of the same coin, treating people like toys; off with their loins for they are raping little boys.
Stripping young girls of dignity; unable to see their humanity; as Reclaim Australia attack their enemies; keep it all within the family.
Of white-middle class progeny; no longer colour blind, they want to prevent the most heinous of crimes.
By spreading hatred and disinformation; slaves to the free market; we're headed towards a dark destination.
As we fire bullets into scapegoats: unpeople without a mainstream voice; cleaning the mess with white soap, kicking up a fuss and making some noise.
But we all still have a choice to dwell in ignorance despite evidence to the contrary or to wake up and fight our real enemies.
We all bleed red, we all need love and compassion, can't you see? Open your mind, sow the seeds of tolerance and peace, set your mind free.
I'm a criminal with the integrity you lack; fucking ethical as a matter of fact.
Time to get society back on track; anxiety eating away at you like a stab in the back.
You think they're on our side but they oppress you and strip you of all pride.
It's time to confess at the church of truth; don't you always feel dead inside?
As you abide by their rules, written for brainless fools; someone else's fodder; just another tool.
And you follow the latest fashions trying to be cool; but you're far from it; in fact you're sick.
A slave to consumerism; shopping is your passion; keeps you locked in prison.
It's time to abort mission; pull yourself back together like nuclear fission.
Time is now to make that decision; can you envision a better life ahead.
Without all the lies that we're force fed; when it's all said and done, you're better off dead.
If you continue to bow down; wipe off that frown; it's time to turn things around.
Time to get society back on track; anxiety eating away at you like a stab in the back.
You think they're on our side but they oppress you and strip you of all pride.
It's time to confess at the church of truth; don't you always feel dead inside?
As you abide by their rules, written for brainless fools; someone else's fodder; just another tool.
And you follow the latest fashions trying to be cool; but you're far from it; in fact you're sick.
A slave to consumerism; shopping is your passion; keeps you locked in prison.
It's time to abort mission; pull yourself back together like nuclear fission.
Time is now to make that decision; can you envision a better life ahead.
Without all the lies that we're force fed; when it's all said and done, you're better off dead.
If you continue to bow down; wipe off that frown; it's time to turn things around.
for some, crime does pay: it serves a function for those trying to escape society's prison
refusing to be just another victim of a fucked up system; trying their best to get even
after having been turned back at the gates of heaven; paradise for the fortunate few
while the majority suffer from poverty and insecurity; this story is nothing new
the isolation of the anomie cuts deep as they struggle to be free, only to be treated like shit
vilified by their enemies, who are unable to see the forest from the trees, always living in a fantasy
drowning in despair, they seek new avenues of relief from want; so they take another hit
of that which they know to cause self-harm, poison which gives them reason
to carry on in the bleakest of seasons, the execution of sanity in the face of insanity
some even turn to treason against the sovereign because they've identified their real enemies
refusing to be just another victim of a fucked up system; trying their best to get even
after having been turned back at the gates of heaven; paradise for the fortunate few
while the majority suffer from poverty and insecurity; this story is nothing new
the isolation of the anomie cuts deep as they struggle to be free, only to be treated like shit
vilified by their enemies, who are unable to see the forest from the trees, always living in a fantasy
drowning in despair, they seek new avenues of relief from want; so they take another hit
of that which they know to cause self-harm, poison which gives them reason
to carry on in the bleakest of seasons, the execution of sanity in the face of insanity
some even turn to treason against the sovereign because they've identified their real enemies
If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the fucking problem.
If it's the human condition to be greedy, then why are poor people more
generous towards the needy than the rich. Maybe it's because they
understand poverty unlike you who has never had to worry about money you
fucking spoilt, selfish bitch. Safe in your middle-class cocoon, with
all the cake you've been spoon fed. As you dance to the tune of
self-indulgent consumerism, happpiness fills your head . You don't
really need a reason to buy that nice perfume or the latest iphone.
But you do it anyway; and you've always got more room for more cake. You
say you love animals but you're so fake. What kind of an animal lover
is a gluttonous carnivore. Savouring the flavour of cadavers, you're
such a consumer whore. How dare you judge me, leave your fucking
judgment at the door. Once a junkie always a junkie, your endless
bitching never ceases to bore. It's not my fault that you're fat or lack
the cash to buy the designer crap that you covet. Why are you so bitter
and spiteful? You know what. I've fucking has a gut full of your
hypocrisy your double standards and your love of hate. And your selfish
tendencies I simply cannot tolerate. And if it's money you yearn for
then you're gonna have to wait. For you know constant poverty and is
every junkie's fate. And if the reason you cake on all that make-up is
to make you look pretty then let me tell you thats just silly if not
sad. To be honest it makes you look like an ugly tart trying to hide
your insecurity.
Only cowards kick a hobo when he's down on his luck.
And spread rumours about him all about town.
It's enough to make even the most placid monk scream and shout.
Because they think they know exactly what they're
speaking about.
Yet they omit crucial details, tell tall tales; yes hyperbole prevails.
I've been drifting aimlessly in the red sea, lost without a rudder or a sail.
And sometimes I not sure what the difference is between being a male or female inside.
The sins of the father are forgiven but will never be forgotten; a matter of pride?
He was never when I needed to learn how to fight
Off bullies who take advantage of my kindness, makes me mad and resentful inside.
And spread rumours about him all about town.
It's enough to make even the most placid monk scream and shout.
Because they think they know exactly what they're
speaking about.
Yet they omit crucial details, tell tall tales; yes hyperbole prevails.
I've been drifting aimlessly in the red sea, lost without a rudder or a sail.
And sometimes I not sure what the difference is between being a male or female inside.
The sins of the father are forgiven but will never be forgotten; a matter of pride?
He was never when I needed to learn how to fight
Off bullies who take advantage of my kindness, makes me mad and resentful inside.
Take anything more you want to take from me; there's nothing left for you to take.
I don't mind because at l least my mind is now free; kill me for fuck's sake.
The truth liberates us from the media's deceptive ways, washes away the rain.
I can see clearer now in each and everyway; getting stronger each and every day.
I'm sick of my big brother; wish he'd leave me in peace and alone.
And I love my mother to death even though I don't express it in the most effective way.
I'm about to dig up the bones she left for a rainy day.
Like a dog that's been starving to death due to cruelty and negligence.
And changes that occur came about by no accident.
No, I'm not insane, nor playing games.
I have found ample proof that Israel has set up a spy base in the Golan Heights to keep innocent people in their sights.
I don't mind because at l least my mind is now free; kill me for fuck's sake.
The truth liberates us from the media's deceptive ways, washes away the rain.
I can see clearer now in each and everyway; getting stronger each and every day.
I'm sick of my big brother; wish he'd leave me in peace and alone.
And I love my mother to death even though I don't express it in the most effective way.
I'm about to dig up the bones she left for a rainy day.
Like a dog that's been starving to death due to cruelty and negligence.
And changes that occur came about by no accident.
No, I'm not insane, nor playing games.
I have found ample proof that Israel has set up a spy base in the Golan Heights to keep innocent people in their sights.
Only cowards kick a hobo when he's down on his luck.
And spread rumours about him all about town.
It's enough to make even the most placid monk scream and shoot.
Because they think they know exactly what they're
speaking about.
Yet they omitt crucial details, tell tall tales; yes hyperbole prevails.
I've been drifting aimlessly in the red sea, lost without a rudder or a sail.
And sometimes I not sure what the difference is between being a male or female inside.
The sins of the father are forgiven but will never be forgotten; a matter of pride?
He was never when I needed to learn how to fight
Off bullies who take advantage of my kindness, makes me mad and resentful inside.
And spread rumours about him all about town.
It's enough to make even the most placid monk scream and shoot.
Because they think they know exactly what they're
speaking about.
Yet they omitt crucial details, tell tall tales; yes hyperbole prevails.
I've been drifting aimlessly in the red sea, lost without a rudder or a sail.
And sometimes I not sure what the difference is between being a male or female inside.
The sins of the father are forgiven but will never be forgotten; a matter of pride?
He was never when I needed to learn how to fight
Off bullies who take advantage of my kindness, makes me mad and resentful inside.
Take anything more you want to take from me; there's nothing left for you to take.
I don't mind because at l least my mind is now free; kill me for fucks sake.
The truth liberates us from the media's deceptive ways, washes away the rain.
I can see clearer now in each and everyway; getting stronger each and everyday.
I'm sick of my big brother; wish he'd leave me in peace and alone.
And I love my mother to death even though I I don't express it in the most effective way.
I'm about to dig up the bones she left for a rainy day.
Like a dog that's been starving to dearth due to cruelty and negligence.
And changes that occur came about by no accident.
No, I'm not insane, nor playing games.
I have found ample proof that Israel has set up a spy base in the Golan Heights to keep innocent people in their sights.
I don't mind because at l least my mind is now free; kill me for fucks sake.
The truth liberates us from the media's deceptive ways, washes away the rain.
I can see clearer now in each and everyway; getting stronger each and everyday.
I'm sick of my big brother; wish he'd leave me in peace and alone.
And I love my mother to death even though I I don't express it in the most effective way.
I'm about to dig up the bones she left for a rainy day.
Like a dog that's been starving to dearth due to cruelty and negligence.
And changes that occur came about by no accident.
No, I'm not insane, nor playing games.
I have found ample proof that Israel has set up a spy base in the Golan Heights to keep innocent people in their sights.
I'll be the first to admit it: I'm totally and utterly fucked in the
head but I've tried to change my ways and walk the staight path. In fact
I've tried so hard that sometimes my heart has bled incessantly.
Sometimes I think myself and my family are all better off dead. I never
chose to be this way, something went wrong long ago. My family get shot
in the crossfire each and everyday, even when I'm not dropping bombs on
the innocent but trying to help the vulnerable, the poor,
the downtrodden. All out of the kindness of a broken heart. The strange
desires were there long before I wrote the first book of revelations.
Happened around the time I met my friend Ana. The government knew that
each major lone wolf terrorist event was going to happen? Who funded the
"monster" and supplied him chemical weapons. This always happens over
and over again. But you are all absolved of responsibility and will go
straight to heaven, while myself and two innocent people burn in hell.
This show is getting old, with the hearts of spectators growing cold,
can you see the mold growing every time it starts snowing? Reality TV
was the new sensation about ten years ago but it's not that way anymore.
Informed consent is a thing of the past. Three live human subjects
starring in the Truman Show new millennium edition. An illegal
occupation designed to destroy any semblance of humanity. The stalkers
burst out in laughter each time the dog gets shot while the family cry
in despair, unaware of the violence around them. And yes an anarchist
has no recourse to the institution of jurisprudence but even in
anarchist circles there are rules and ethics. But is the war on terror
ethical? Just posing a question. Trying hard not to make judgments.
You've all been exposed to the propaganda of terror, but are you also
not handing over you're hard-earned to the corporate propaganda machine.
They've got no intention to provide you with the truth. Only out to get
your coin off you. Don't think it's true then open up you eyes to the
lies they disseminate. If you want the whole truth go underground and
listen to the insurgency. Not telling you what to do. Just tyring to
give peace a chance. Ten years of this shit is enough. I've got no
secrets left for you to uncover. But if only you have the heart to give
peace a chance you may uncover a broken man wishing to make the whole
world a better place for one and for all. I'm only asking for something
small. Please give peace a chance. The dancing shall continue as long as you'd like to witness the spectacle but the terror will cease for good. I will try my best to pass the test. What's so funny about
peace, love and understanding?
I've been hiding between a rock and a hard place.
Because I didn't have the courage to face up to all the mistakes.
That I have made over and over again, trying to make myself disappear.
For people to notice me, an unhealthy standard of beauty.
I became lighter than air, started drowning is a sea of despair and consumed by fear.
All I really wanted was for the war in my head to end.
But there's only so long one can pretend that my youth hasn't passed me by in the blink of an eye.
And I still struggle to understand the reasons why I did the questionable things that I did.
The rage inside the my bottle of emotions was so intense it flipped its own lid.
Good cops, bad cops, there are narcs always following the 'evil thing'.
Sting plays on the radio every step I take and every move I make.
There's no point in doing just about anything anymore.
Because I know they'll be watching me and harshly judging me.
Is there no escape from this insanity, vigilantes following me?
Yes, all my dreams have come true on the: anarchy in the streets.
Each day it repeats, so I'm just about ready to concede defeat.
Can't tell friend from foe, no anonymity anywhere I go.
When will there be an end of this freak show story, the media's been writing and rewriting for an eternity?
Bombs have exploded and my gun is loaded, was about to set myself free.
But I can't bare to hurt the remaining few people in my life who still care about me.
Or at least have some level of compassion remaining for this freak.
Who's lacked the acumen to face up to reality.
That's why I've continued to harm myself with sharp objects.
It helped me to pretend that life is an eternal dream devoid on consequences.
But all things must come to an end at some stage.
I should know all too well by this age, blood on the page.
Now the dreams and juvenile fantasies have turned the nightmare that is reality.
I fucked up and I fucked up bad, no wonder the stalkers are mad.
But in my heart of hearts I didn't intend any harm to another living creature.
Yet the actions end up obfuscated in every front page media feature.
Propaganda designed to line the pockets of the church and corporations.
A global sensation, another US invasion, misinformation.
Painting the enemy to be less than human, incapable of any compassion.
Zionist tentacles spreading far and wide.
Let's all watch the spectacle all comfortable inside, digesting all the lies.
The insurgents refuse to lay down their arms until the coalition does the same.
There are people's lives and reputations at stake, it's not just a game.
The war would have been over long ago if the insurgents hadn't allied with their enemies.
And the invasion wasn't all about making mountains of money.
At the expense of those afflicted by societal oppression, suffering and misery.
They will continue to line their dirty pockets until the end of eternity.
Innocent prisoners at Guantanamo Bay will never be free.
Until the human race does away with insecurity and greed.
Because I didn't have the courage to face up to all the mistakes.
That I have made over and over again, trying to make myself disappear.
For people to notice me, an unhealthy standard of beauty.
I became lighter than air, started drowning is a sea of despair and consumed by fear.
All I really wanted was for the war in my head to end.
But there's only so long one can pretend that my youth hasn't passed me by in the blink of an eye.
And I still struggle to understand the reasons why I did the questionable things that I did.
The rage inside the my bottle of emotions was so intense it flipped its own lid.
Good cops, bad cops, there are narcs always following the 'evil thing'.
Sting plays on the radio every step I take and every move I make.
There's no point in doing just about anything anymore.
Because I know they'll be watching me and harshly judging me.
Is there no escape from this insanity, vigilantes following me?
Yes, all my dreams have come true on the: anarchy in the streets.
Each day it repeats, so I'm just about ready to concede defeat.
Can't tell friend from foe, no anonymity anywhere I go.
When will there be an end of this freak show story, the media's been writing and rewriting for an eternity?
Bombs have exploded and my gun is loaded, was about to set myself free.
But I can't bare to hurt the remaining few people in my life who still care about me.
Or at least have some level of compassion remaining for this freak.
Who's lacked the acumen to face up to reality.
That's why I've continued to harm myself with sharp objects.
It helped me to pretend that life is an eternal dream devoid on consequences.
But all things must come to an end at some stage.
I should know all too well by this age, blood on the page.
Now the dreams and juvenile fantasies have turned the nightmare that is reality.
I fucked up and I fucked up bad, no wonder the stalkers are mad.
But in my heart of hearts I didn't intend any harm to another living creature.
Yet the actions end up obfuscated in every front page media feature.
Propaganda designed to line the pockets of the church and corporations.
A global sensation, another US invasion, misinformation.
Painting the enemy to be less than human, incapable of any compassion.
Zionist tentacles spreading far and wide.
Let's all watch the spectacle all comfortable inside, digesting all the lies.
The insurgents refuse to lay down their arms until the coalition does the same.
There are people's lives and reputations at stake, it's not just a game.
The war would have been over long ago if the insurgents hadn't allied with their enemies.
And the invasion wasn't all about making mountains of money.
At the expense of those afflicted by societal oppression, suffering and misery.
They will continue to line their dirty pockets until the end of eternity.
Innocent prisoners at Guantanamo Bay will never be free.
Until the human race does away with insecurity and greed.
You've got to get in quick when hunting for bumpers. I walked all the
way from where I am currently holed up, in "junkie central" (Maylands),
to the local fire water dispensing hang out for escapist adventures of
the ugliest variety, searching for discarded cigarette butts with
tobacco remnants still attached, and only managed to return with two
measly rollies worth of tobacco, one of which I ingested on the deflated
walk back. Turns out that other similarly resourceful desparados
had already cleaned up the hot spots before I could get to them. All
that effort for such little reward, if you could even call inhaling
smoke from recycled tobacco that. Dire poverty makes even the most
slovenly of men become expert bumper scavengers, willing to tolerate the
most unpleasant of weather conditions. Oh how the once mighty have
fallen from grace, yet again. Moral of the story: think twice before you
do anything kids, and then think once more.
these misanthropic thoughts are reaching fever pitch
fanning the desire to carry out one million Columbines
you would all do well to defend yourselves from me
but a bullet-proof vest will be of no use to you
as I only fire verbal bullets that denounce your existence
involuntary euthanasia for all
this could be the planet's saving grace
as we are all fucked, excess fat, parasites
and I am just as complicit as the rest of you pathetic creatures
in maintaining the inhumane status quo
actually fuck it, fuck being humane
none of us deserve to be spared from dying slow, torturous deaths
at the hands of those who would objectify us
just as we objectify the corpses we see on screen of the idiot box
humanity listen up, this philosopher king has given up on you
you shall be left to your own devices, to your own destruction
I await your demise, I'm sick of you branding me as a lunatic
so give me what I want and what I want is a life-time's supply of opiates
fanning the desire to carry out one million Columbines
you would all do well to defend yourselves from me
but a bullet-proof vest will be of no use to you
as I only fire verbal bullets that denounce your existence
involuntary euthanasia for all
this could be the planet's saving grace
as we are all fucked, excess fat, parasites
and I am just as complicit as the rest of you pathetic creatures
in maintaining the inhumane status quo
actually fuck it, fuck being humane
none of us deserve to be spared from dying slow, torturous deaths
at the hands of those who would objectify us
just as we objectify the corpses we see on screen of the idiot box
humanity listen up, this philosopher king has given up on you
you shall be left to your own devices, to your own destruction
I await your demise, I'm sick of you branding me as a lunatic
so give me what I want and what I want is a life-time's supply of opiates
to leave it all in the rear view and to put romantic fixations on
novacaines for emotional pain into a box of good memories. There's a box
for all our memories, good and bad and a time and place for everything.
One's fate is contingent on the decisions one makes. We are all in the
situations we find ourselves in as a result of these free choices, for,
even in the most repressive of environments, we still have free will.
The trick to moving forward and to get to where we would
like to be is to assume responsibility for the past and to own our
actions. It's never easy, as nobody likes to admit that they fucked up
and made a huge mess of their lives. However, we can never be free of
hang ups from the past until we have reclaimed ownership of our
mistakes. It takes a brave person to do as such and will only build
resolve and provide new insight into why we keep letting history repeat
itself. We are all masters of our own destinies. Time to confine fear,
hatred and self-loathing to the dustbin of history. Change is just
around the corner. It starts with a simple decision to not give in to
weakness and desire. We can achieve whatever it is that the imagination
can conceive. Just a matter of self-belief.
Friday, May 29, 2015
Ladies' Man
always on the attack; stab my friends in the middle of the back, to be leader of the pack
everything I say is whack, when I tread, I proceed with tact, as I walk down the narrow track
I'm as shallow as a gold digger with a fake rack; fucking brain dead as a matter of fact
watch me consume yet another big Mac; it's just a snack; don't care if i have a heart attack
getting plumper day by day; my too-fatted liver abouut to give way, but that's OK;
though I have a health debt in arrears, never fear; I can always change my ways next new year
I'm beholden to fashion and the God of consumption as I hit the gym and keep on pumpin'
weights so that i can fit the male ideal; oiled up and shiny like apple peal; it makes me feel
superior to scrawny wimps; soon I'll be the pimp around town; gimp for the system; ready made tool
unaware of how much of a fool I am, beholden to society's rules, disposable like a drug mule
I've got it made; I'm god's gift and I've got the bling to show for it; be afraid very afraid
for I'm always on the prowl; my member's so sublime, it makes bitches growl
I always get laid; and like to fist and and bukake over big tits; get laid, always get laid
for I'm hung like a donkey; my extension does shine; come suck it now
I'm a man on the go; there's gold in my flows; I'm special because of all thge VIPs I know
ready to stoop so low that even shit seems odourless like dough; watch out bitches and hos
for I'm on the prowl for tight pussy; endless reservoir of bling and money; bourgeois predatory story
I'm the perfect consumer whore; addicted to the rush like a meth user; process numbers as quick as a computer
and they all add up to nada, as I marginalise the other; and dump shit on my brothers
just to get ahead; believe all the lies I've been fed; so compliant that I'm brain dead
my mind is a receptacle for propaganda; so it comes as no surprise that don't get the picture
always striving to get richer; I'm thicker than a brick; like cancer there's no cure
green lights guide my path; everything is so bright; so I go straight through red lights
I'm a creature of the night; neon signs bring me delight; I'm always ready for a fight
I've got it made; I'm god's gift and I've got the bling to show for it; be afraid very afraid
for I'm always on the prowl; my member's so sublime, it makes bitches growl
I always get laid; and like to fist and and bukake over big tits; get laid, always get laid
for I'm hung like a donkey; my extension does shine; come suck it now
when I fuck, I do it like an animal; my appetite is insatiable like a twisted cannibal
gotta be forceful to show who's in control; for my personality is slightly tyrannical
and flammable especially when we're incompatible; but on the surface I'm respectable;
I dabble in venture capital; which makes me feel invincible; on the pinnacle; status really matters
as I'm empty without that mound of money; it makes me feel special like caviar on a silver platter
and as I grow fatter, I feel prouder of my achievements; revel in the decadence of my lifestyle
my dick is as long as the Nile; don't care if I'm floating in a pile of bullshit if the suits fits
tailor made; my imposing presence makes others feel afraid; quaking in their boots; dirty with envy
I never miss an opportunity for a root; I'm god's gift to women; if a bitch rejects me they'll be sorry
because I won't be happy for women are my property; I've got the energy of bunny; so rich, so free
I've got it made; I'm god's gift and I've got the bling to show for it; be afraid very afraid
for I'm always on the prowl; my member's so sublime, it makes bitches growl
I always get laid; and like to fist and and bukake over big tits; get laid, always get laid
for I'm hung like a donkey; my extension does shine; come suck it now
Friday, April 24, 2015
Beware the ever present danger of the Che Guevara idoliser
Just a little appetiser for things yet to come
Like pills made by Pfizer to treat the ill one
That keep your arse from erupting when you've got the runs
They produce many products for the illegitimate sons of nuns
Who like to raise their fists at the governnment
Doctors don't over-prescribe by accident
When there's money to be made nobody passes the test
That's right you're disturbed and depressed
There are many side effects nonetheless
Beware the student anarchist
Fighting the power as his peers cower
Beware the student anarchist
Getting irate at the man in the shower
Beware the lifestyle "activists"
Who raise their wave black flags and raise their fists
At the severity of the man's authority
They are the enemy of the state and of sanity
And yes I am stating all of this sardonically
The truth needs to be told, your act is getting old.
Wearing a Che Guevara shirt does not necessarily make one a revolutionary
It's more trendy and reactionary to dress that way in this day and age of co-optation
Disgruntled rebels always on the lookout for the latest fashions
Hitting out at the system with inflamed passions
But it's time to go to God's booth to make a confession
That you're only in the scene to pick up women
It's the truth of the matter, you're searching for pussy heaven
Beware the student anarchist
Fighting the power as his peers cower
Beware the student anarchist
Getting irate at the man in the shower
You've got a master plan, a surefire way to success
And you ain't sharing your secret with the rest
Of those losers who aren't as good as you at getting bitches into bed
And if you are concerned by the potential misogyny of these words
Then you are just another uptight PC warrior turd
All the self-righteous lectures about the power of words that I've heard
In case you didn't get it: I'm speaking in parody
Just remember that I'm on your side, not your enemy
The general lack of ethics is the real tragedy
For those who purport to be enlightened and free
It's quite plain for all to see that your brain is riddled with disease
And your penis too, I'm guessing at least
You'd better hope you haven't caught any STDs
You live in a fantasy, believing that you are free indeed
Beware the student anarchist
Fighting the power as his peers cower
Beware the student anarchist
Getting irate at the man in the shower
Sunday, April 05, 2015
I really hate people sometimes, their apathy makes me wanna commit property crime and get high.
They never question why, happily consume meat pies, as corporations take them for a ride, cracking the leather.
The end is nigh for those who are dead inside, when was the last time they really tried to make the world better.
Brought up on disinformation and a diet of Coca-Cola and McDonald's, always searching for new sensations.
When there's savings to be had, their passion reaches fever pitch, the enemy is inflation.
What kind of a life is it that they lead, heads in the sand and minds consumed by greed.
While millions of people struggle to feed their families, farmers forced to buy back seeds.
From corporations who own the patents to suicide genes, selfish memes, it's fucking obscene.
We're a generation of passive consumers, bought off by the illusion that we're free, unable to see.
That we are traitors to our friends and families, traitors to the people who meet our basic survival needs.
Always treading in shallow water
We're complacent for ever after
Nothing matters all that much
Except how much bling we got on our cuffs
I feel alone all the time, as I wander through my indignant mind, wondering why.
People never ask real questions, they'd rather kill brain cells in an afternoon session.
Spent ingesting fire water, bricks and mortar, better go to church and make a confession.
Hatred in their hearts, brainwashed from the start to be suspicious of the other.
We live in a land full of bigots, ignorant idiots, out to condemn those who are different.
Not in my backyard mentality, death to all refugees, their not our sisters and brothers.
I would never choose to be like them, can't pretend that I'm not incensed, that's why I'm a dissident.
Sick and tired of all the bullshit, would rather take another hit of downtown wisdom, the essence of freedom.
I can see trees among the mist as I raise my clenched fist, everything happens for a reason.
There are no accidents in this world, we are afforded our affluence at the expense of others.
People are starving because of our insatiable gluttony, that's why they suffer.
Always treading in shallow water
We're complacent for ever after
Nothing matters all that much
Except how much bling we got on our cuffs
I'm a man on a mission on open up minds, to incite thought crime through my acerbic rhymes.
People defend exploitation as is it were the natural order of things, ignorant elation.
Always looking for excuses to defend their bosses, wouldn't want them to make losses.
Otherwise they'll be forced to cut costs, slashing jobs, it's as common as crosses.
They don't give a fuck about us, only out to get rich off us, in them we trust.
That's why I'm here kicking up a fuss, time is now for a revolt, it's a must.
We need to reclaim our minds before we go bust, wake up to what's taking place in the world around us.
It's a nasty place, full of clones and yuppie wannabes, yes we're all consumed by the rat race.
Wouldn't want to lose face, that's why we take bullets for our enemies, in whose name we sacrifice, keep playing their game.
We always act with haste in a faceless city that's so fast paced, think we're ahead in the race, but it's a bitter sweet taste.
Always treading in shallow water
We're complacent for ever after
Nothing matters all that much
Except how much bling we got on our cuffs
Whatever happened to class consciousness?
They never question why, happily consume meat pies, as corporations take them for a ride, cracking the leather.
The end is nigh for those who are dead inside, when was the last time they really tried to make the world better.
Brought up on disinformation and a diet of Coca-Cola and McDonald's, always searching for new sensations.
When there's savings to be had, their passion reaches fever pitch, the enemy is inflation.
What kind of a life is it that they lead, heads in the sand and minds consumed by greed.
While millions of people struggle to feed their families, farmers forced to buy back seeds.
From corporations who own the patents to suicide genes, selfish memes, it's fucking obscene.
We're a generation of passive consumers, bought off by the illusion that we're free, unable to see.
That we are traitors to our friends and families, traitors to the people who meet our basic survival needs.
Always treading in shallow water
We're complacent for ever after
Nothing matters all that much
Except how much bling we got on our cuffs
I feel alone all the time, as I wander through my indignant mind, wondering why.
People never ask real questions, they'd rather kill brain cells in an afternoon session.
Spent ingesting fire water, bricks and mortar, better go to church and make a confession.
Hatred in their hearts, brainwashed from the start to be suspicious of the other.
We live in a land full of bigots, ignorant idiots, out to condemn those who are different.
Not in my backyard mentality, death to all refugees, their not our sisters and brothers.
I would never choose to be like them, can't pretend that I'm not incensed, that's why I'm a dissident.
Sick and tired of all the bullshit, would rather take another hit of downtown wisdom, the essence of freedom.
I can see trees among the mist as I raise my clenched fist, everything happens for a reason.
There are no accidents in this world, we are afforded our affluence at the expense of others.
People are starving because of our insatiable gluttony, that's why they suffer.
Always treading in shallow water
We're complacent for ever after
Nothing matters all that much
Except how much bling we got on our cuffs
I'm a man on a mission on open up minds, to incite thought crime through my acerbic rhymes.
People defend exploitation as is it were the natural order of things, ignorant elation.
Always looking for excuses to defend their bosses, wouldn't want them to make losses.
Otherwise they'll be forced to cut costs, slashing jobs, it's as common as crosses.
They don't give a fuck about us, only out to get rich off us, in them we trust.
That's why I'm here kicking up a fuss, time is now for a revolt, it's a must.
We need to reclaim our minds before we go bust, wake up to what's taking place in the world around us.
It's a nasty place, full of clones and yuppie wannabes, yes we're all consumed by the rat race.
Wouldn't want to lose face, that's why we take bullets for our enemies, in whose name we sacrifice, keep playing their game.
We always act with haste in a faceless city that's so fast paced, think we're ahead in the race, but it's a bitter sweet taste.
Always treading in shallow water
We're complacent for ever after
Nothing matters all that much
Except how much bling we got on our cuffs
Whatever happened to class consciousness?
Monday, March 16, 2015
You lead a carcinogenic lifestyle, walk a golden mile each day so you can consume bourgeois spectacles, help shift capital
Your stomach's full of bile from all the bullshit you've swallowed, you'll never change your ways, stop murdering animals
You were care free for a while, but now you've got debt as long as the Nile, it's just as well because you never gave a fuck
Electronic yuppie, you spent all the money you didn't have on fancy gadgets, but now you've had it, your life's running out of luck
You're stuck in a rut, can't buy shit anymore, no iPhone app can save you from the anxiety you feel, the inadequacy, as alienation rears it's ugly head
Mount Everest of debt, how will you keep up with all the trends, when you can't afford to keep the power on, each waking hour is filled with dread
You're falling behind all your friends, you can no longer pretend that everything is OK, you had no regrets but now you wish you were dead
But suicide is too kind a fate for someone who's already dead inside, no where left to run, so you hide away your pretty head, go eat lead
Because you deserve everything you get, you plastic consumer whore, God's not coming to save you, he bats for the Halliburton Bush Cabal,
It's about time you fled back to flock where you've always been safe, you think you are free but you've only ever had a taste, yes, the world is cruel like Halal
The bullshit you've been eaten is enough to make anyone spew
What will you do when the man with the top hat comes for you?
What will you do when the man with the top hat comes for you?
Saturday, March 14, 2015
Out of mind and out of sight, when I write, I pierce the darkness with white light, ready to fight
I'm hard-wired with raging fire, ready to criticise consumer whores and their empty lives, fools who are dead inside
They walk in straight lines, follow all the rules, oblivious to corporate crime, ready to win a prize for tool of the year
And it comes as no surprise that they've got products on their minds, and live in constant fear
Of falling behind the times, not being able to keep up with their friends who follow all the latest trends
They like to pretend that they are not superficial fools who follow all the rules, there's oil in the pool
But oil and water don't mix, yet they are too thick to realise that there's more to life than bling and bitches
There's nothing nice for me to say, they sacrifice their lives to the system, unaware that we're all it's victims
They pray to the market, masturbate to images of Ronald McDonald, I didn't want to say it but fuck it - here goes
I wish them all a painful death, hope they rot away until there's nothing left, they make a perfect target, abandon all hope
Consume pollution from inside a balloon
Buffoons competing, capital shifting, wanton theft
Consuming carrion until there's nothing left
They've all got shitty feet and it keeps repeating
Patriotic fools wave flags on invasion day, it's their way to say that the colonisers are here to stay and proud to obey
The prescriptions of society, the illusion that we are free, free to be sorry, but we're not, we're so happy
To be the dominant voice in an ignorant country, isn't it funny how those natives are always so angry when inebriated? failed all the intelligence tests
But the whiteys are not druggies even though they sink endless tinnies of VB, at least they're not tolene junkies like the dispossessed, just like the rest
Socially sanctioned poison, a lubricant for all seasons, slurred words, double vision, that pot is illegal and not fire water isn't is absurd
They believe that to be rich is the Everest of excellence, caught in a consumerist tempest, they believe all the lies they've heard
Everyday they drive their petrol guzzling monsters to work, pressing their horns and waving fists at other jerks who can't drive for shit
Road rage reaching fever pitch, a symptom of the excesses of this day and age for the lard arses of the earth, even on the dole we're rich
When they arrive at work, they talk about the news at the water cooler, expressing their bigoted views, parroting the line of the mainstream media
Then they play with a mouse, click click clicking as time keeps tick tick ticking, producing something but getting nothing for it, the roof is on fire
Consume pollution from inside a balloon
Buffoons competing, capital shifting, wanton theft
Consuming carrion until there's nothing left
They've all got shitty feet and it keeps repeating
I'm hard-wired with raging fire, ready to criticise consumer whores and their empty lives, fools who are dead inside
They walk in straight lines, follow all the rules, oblivious to corporate crime, ready to win a prize for tool of the year
And it comes as no surprise that they've got products on their minds, and live in constant fear
Of falling behind the times, not being able to keep up with their friends who follow all the latest trends
They like to pretend that they are not superficial fools who follow all the rules, there's oil in the pool
But oil and water don't mix, yet they are too thick to realise that there's more to life than bling and bitches
There's nothing nice for me to say, they sacrifice their lives to the system, unaware that we're all it's victims
They pray to the market, masturbate to images of Ronald McDonald, I didn't want to say it but fuck it - here goes
I wish them all a painful death, hope they rot away until there's nothing left, they make a perfect target, abandon all hope
Consume pollution from inside a balloon
Buffoons competing, capital shifting, wanton theft
Consuming carrion until there's nothing left
They've all got shitty feet and it keeps repeating
Patriotic fools wave flags on invasion day, it's their way to say that the colonisers are here to stay and proud to obey
The prescriptions of society, the illusion that we are free, free to be sorry, but we're not, we're so happy
To be the dominant voice in an ignorant country, isn't it funny how those natives are always so angry when inebriated? failed all the intelligence tests
But the whiteys are not druggies even though they sink endless tinnies of VB, at least they're not tolene junkies like the dispossessed, just like the rest
Socially sanctioned poison, a lubricant for all seasons, slurred words, double vision, that pot is illegal and not fire water isn't is absurd
They believe that to be rich is the Everest of excellence, caught in a consumerist tempest, they believe all the lies they've heard
Everyday they drive their petrol guzzling monsters to work, pressing their horns and waving fists at other jerks who can't drive for shit
Road rage reaching fever pitch, a symptom of the excesses of this day and age for the lard arses of the earth, even on the dole we're rich
When they arrive at work, they talk about the news at the water cooler, expressing their bigoted views, parroting the line of the mainstream media
Then they play with a mouse, click click clicking as time keeps tick tick ticking, producing something but getting nothing for it, the roof is on fire
Consume pollution from inside a balloon
Buffoons competing, capital shifting, wanton theft
Consuming carrion until there's nothing left
They've all got shitty feet and it keeps repeating
Friday, February 27, 2015
Automatons at the train station, fuck the system, we're victims of indoctrination
Taught to be nothing at all, made to feel lame and small,
Ready to fall, aimless goals, FUCK THIS, I'm not gonna take it anymore,
I'm a fearless warrior here to chop shit, masked anarchist
There's so much waste generated from this rat race, we act with haste, quick thinkers, relentless
Perpetuating this cycle through lifestyle, it's endless
Fuck these consumerist whores, I rob stores, most people wouldn't steal a pen lid, pussies
The level of my indignation is beyond the depths of your imagination, don't push me
Many obstacles we're facin', people dying for no good reason, would you commit treason?
Wake up, the nation doesn't give a fuck abut us, stop sleeping, time to strip off the rust, stop appeasing
Our evolving conciousness seems to be repeating, media force feeding us lies, bullshit we're eating
Try info before you buy, question authority, be critical, cynical, ask why, stop competing
You worry about your lack of status, making money matters
Don't tell me about your first world problems, 'cause I've fucking had it
Everything you've got's been handed to you on a silver platter
They don't need to burn books, nobody reads them anyway,
They'd rather play with their smart phones, it's the modern way
Next level bullshit, everything simplified
We stand in the corner petrified, we could be taking flight
Our apathy and inaction keeps the contracts alive and moving, Halliburton reconstructing and producing
New buildings upon rubble, roads paved in oil, radioactive soil
History will keeps repeating, crimes against humanity with Uncle Sam at the helm, extuingishing light - a dark realm
War is good for the economy, there's blood in the well
Stop whinging about your lifes monotomy kid, cheer up, go buy the products they sell
You've had a taste of happiness, times up, recoil, back to the shell,
You worry about your lack of status, making money matters
Don't tell me about your first world problems, 'cause I've fucking had it
Everything you've got's been handed to you on a silver platter
Existence can be challenging for you and for me and all the people in between
Resistance is not an option, it's a necessity if we want to be free
The people have had enough, pitch battles on the street, its us versus police
The way we treat each other defies belief, the cruelty of the planet, the lunacy, the seeds of greed
Most couldn't give a fuck about the plight, lack of passion, pussies, action reaction, collateral damage
We're all slaves to the latest fashions, full of hatred and apathy, not compassion, donate to charity dammit
Bad habits, too-fatted livers in a state of cirrhosis
Lost our minds, we stand in the cold half-naked, like a meth junkie in the grips of psychosis
Dead inside, we've lost sight of the bigger picture, forgotten our planet has a future,
We murder one another in the name of freedom, patriotic fools with semi-automatics
Super troopers, harbingers of death, super computers
We are a canerous growth, we've grown fat
Farming life, draining other species, we're parasites
Latched onto hosts, pests, ecoterrorists
We'll take from this planet until there's nothing left
Top of the food chain, it's a jungle we're living in
Horns are cut off live Rhinos for a placebo medicine
Tigers penis chopped off to give the dysfunctional erections
Sharks get fins torn off with knifes then left to bleed in the ocean 'til they surface, they don't survive
Float up at the end of their lives, they've served their purpose They're served on tables, blood on ladel
Shark fin soup, many restaurants serve this food, ask the waiter about this
They got a bowl for you, a traditional delicacy, cheap cheap too
Culture of killers, morality tossed, collapsed roof, no pillars Tigers tooth on a chain, oil poured on chimp brain
Chicken in a small cage, cows strung up, crying as they rotate Carnivorous appetite, we've got a sharp blade
Taught to be nothing at all, made to feel lame and small,
Ready to fall, aimless goals, FUCK THIS, I'm not gonna take it anymore,
I'm a fearless warrior here to chop shit, masked anarchist
There's so much waste generated from this rat race, we act with haste, quick thinkers, relentless
Perpetuating this cycle through lifestyle, it's endless
Fuck these consumerist whores, I rob stores, most people wouldn't steal a pen lid, pussies
The level of my indignation is beyond the depths of your imagination, don't push me
Many obstacles we're facin', people dying for no good reason, would you commit treason?
Wake up, the nation doesn't give a fuck abut us, stop sleeping, time to strip off the rust, stop appeasing
Our evolving conciousness seems to be repeating, media force feeding us lies, bullshit we're eating
Try info before you buy, question authority, be critical, cynical, ask why, stop competing
You worry about your lack of status, making money matters
Don't tell me about your first world problems, 'cause I've fucking had it
Everything you've got's been handed to you on a silver platter
They don't need to burn books, nobody reads them anyway,
They'd rather play with their smart phones, it's the modern way
Next level bullshit, everything simplified
We stand in the corner petrified, we could be taking flight
Our apathy and inaction keeps the contracts alive and moving, Halliburton reconstructing and producing
New buildings upon rubble, roads paved in oil, radioactive soil
History will keeps repeating, crimes against humanity with Uncle Sam at the helm, extuingishing light - a dark realm
War is good for the economy, there's blood in the well
Stop whinging about your lifes monotomy kid, cheer up, go buy the products they sell
You've had a taste of happiness, times up, recoil, back to the shell,
You worry about your lack of status, making money matters
Don't tell me about your first world problems, 'cause I've fucking had it
Everything you've got's been handed to you on a silver platter
Existence can be challenging for you and for me and all the people in between
Resistance is not an option, it's a necessity if we want to be free
The people have had enough, pitch battles on the street, its us versus police
The way we treat each other defies belief, the cruelty of the planet, the lunacy, the seeds of greed
Most couldn't give a fuck about the plight, lack of passion, pussies, action reaction, collateral damage
We're all slaves to the latest fashions, full of hatred and apathy, not compassion, donate to charity dammit
Bad habits, too-fatted livers in a state of cirrhosis
Lost our minds, we stand in the cold half-naked, like a meth junkie in the grips of psychosis
Dead inside, we've lost sight of the bigger picture, forgotten our planet has a future,
We murder one another in the name of freedom, patriotic fools with semi-automatics
Super troopers, harbingers of death, super computers
We are a canerous growth, we've grown fat
Farming life, draining other species, we're parasites
Latched onto hosts, pests, ecoterrorists
We'll take from this planet until there's nothing left
Top of the food chain, it's a jungle we're living in
Horns are cut off live Rhinos for a placebo medicine
Tigers penis chopped off to give the dysfunctional erections
Sharks get fins torn off with knifes then left to bleed in the ocean 'til they surface, they don't survive
Float up at the end of their lives, they've served their purpose They're served on tables, blood on ladel
Shark fin soup, many restaurants serve this food, ask the waiter about this
They got a bowl for you, a traditional delicacy, cheap cheap too
Culture of killers, morality tossed, collapsed roof, no pillars Tigers tooth on a chain, oil poured on chimp brain
Chicken in a small cage, cows strung up, crying as they rotate Carnivorous appetite, we've got a sharp blade
Monday, February 09, 2015
Used up and abused, arse glued to the seat, playing with a mouse, clicking, clicking, time's ticking
Deadly rhythm, nothing inside, slave to the system, tentacles spreading far and wide
Work hard all day, a source of pride, easier to obey than ask questions, don't step out of line
Total devotion, honour in loyalty, soon you'll get a promotion, start earning big money
Every day repeats, enter, greet all the people you hate, ready to concede defeat, then get in line and wait
Go home to your abode, furnished by Ikea, TV dinner all alone, switch off your mind, repress the fear
Back to the cubicle, greeted by post-it notes and family pictures, hope hanging by a rope, the whip will fix ya
You give them you're time for a fee, think you're valued, but you're disposable just like a latex glove
Another cog in an assembly line as long the the dole queue, they don't need you, soon you'll be sleeping rough
A hard slog in the middle, putting up with a suck-hole weasel, but you're not feeble, no, you've finally had enough
Swinging it to the deadly rhythm of the production line
Singing happy songs as you wait on tool instruction time
Dancing up a storm as you count that swear jar full of dimes
You're going nowhere fast at all but you simply don't mind
Because you're swinging it to the deadly rhythm of the production line
Yes, you're swinging it to the deadly rhythm of the production line
All the spectacles we be perceiving, dancing in a conga-line to the lies we be receiving, convicts start pleading
All the obstacles they be creating, alienation comes in many forms, check out the new sensations
Consumption is where it's at, do your bit for the economy, have another hit, be a good citizen
So many pairs to choose from, how will you decide which shoes to buy? make the transaction, feel good inside
The more you spend, the greater the rewards, you'll be in the running for the 'consumer of the year' award
Work, consume, repeat, spend, resume, pause, another shopping feat, spend up big, it's for a good cause
Wake up to Koshy, he's the expert, what's happening to all the money? What's the state of the financial market?
This is the good life, there's never a dull moment, your share prices on the rise, check out the dividends
Back to Ikea, ready to spend, on the look out for new ideas, that accessory is nice, show it to all your friends
Worked hard for your money, content to follow trends, free to spend it on anything you please, it was worth it in the end
Swinging it to the deadly rhythm of the production line
Singing happy songs as you wait on tool instruction time
Dancing up a storm as you count that swear jar full of dimes
You're going nowhere fast at all but you simply don't mind
Because you're swinging it to the deadly rhythm of the production line
Yes, you're swinging it to the deadly rhythm of the production line
You think you're free to sell your body in exchange for security, an iPhone and a brand new giant plasma screen TV
But the Party and the company don't give a fuck about you, you're just another tool, following their rules
They are your enemy and they deal in the business of exploitation and slavery, you're not free, can't you see?
Weighed down by shackles and chains, just like your days at school, playing little games, compete with every other fool
You spin hours into nothing, ticking off all the KPIs, promotion is not forthcoming, you start to wonder why
You've devoted years to the cause, but you've been overlooked again, where's your reward? why even bother, why try?
Each workplace, it's the same, sycophants get all the breaks, they play the game right, do whatever it takes
Always on the attack, they don't care how many toes they have to tread on, they go places by stabbing their foes in the back
You never had what it takes to get ahead, not callous enough, all your hopes now dead, you're so jealous
Your boss expects you to suck his phallus, just like a harlot, you succumb again, as you edge closer to madness
Swinging it to the deadly rhythm of the production line
Singing happy songs as you wait on tool instruction time
Dancing up a storm as you count that swear jar full of dimes
You're going nowhere fast at all but you simply don't mind
Because you're swinging it to the deadly rhythm of the production line
Yes, you're swinging it to the deadly rhythm of the production line
Sunday, February 01, 2015
I'm the king of the road, four wheel drive with a tow bar, check out my new car, gonna go far
All the seeds I've sown are starting to grow, got a job in the mines, salt on my chips all the time
I'm doing just fine, like a mature bottle of wine, my life's sublime, no need to commit crime
I've walked the straight line, all the way to the bank, it's Gina I gotta thank for making me rich
I spend all my money at once, forget about the rainy day, it's not just a phase, I've really got it made
I love to spread honey on my toast, I'm not one to boast or to gloat, but check out my new boat
I'll always stay afloat with my remote in one hand, picking all the porn channels on my Foxtel subcription
Sports mania on the weekends, but I just can't concentrate, so I elevate my mind with dexies I've got on presciption
You may think I'm just another bogan but I'm no fool, I've got my foot in the share market, wheeling and dealing
You may think that I'm jokin' but I know what I'm doin', I've set my target and it starts at millions
I've got shoulder blades as large as a massive piece of rump steak
When the boys invade the pitch, we do it like we've got it made
We'll all be getting laid, we're rich you see, check out the personalised license plates
On my new big boy's toy, my souped up V8 ute, to carry all the loot
Reward for all my efforts, some people just don't get it, but I do
Yes, I get plenty of pussy, welcome to my night time playground of glory
This must go on forever, the well never dries up like abandoned doggie poo
I'm the king of the road, if you get on my wrong side, you'll be sorry
Look over the fence and see my neigbour's pool, I shall get one too some day, just gotta keep being a tool
Soon I'll be the fattest cat on the block, with golden statues behind the locks, the neighbours will be jealous
I'll be rolling in a Benz and strutting around with a pimp cane adorned with gold chains and expensive jewels
Yes, I'm stuck in the rat race, but I don't mind, a golden clock shall tell me the time, I could care less
But I'll still hang on to my ute, it impresses the chicks, it's hard and robust just like my monster dick
I'm a refined man, a player, I like to wear Tommy Hilfiger and dabble with moisturiser, gotta keep myself lookin' sexy
I'll learn to play the flute or maybe the violin, so I can come across as cultured, no just another typical bloke
But wait a minute, classical music is for poofs, and there's no cure for it, best stick to driving my boat
On the weekends I will live it up, drinking champagne and eating caviar, no wait again, that's for poofs
In the end, I'm just another blokey bloke, I don't like vegetables, only meat, won't see me at the next doof
I've got shoulder blades as large as a massive piece of rump steak
When the boys invade the pitch, we do it like we've got it made
We'll all be getting laid, we're rich you see, check out the personalised license plates
On my new big boy's toy, my souped up V8 ute, to carry all the loot
Reward for all my efforts, some people just don't get it, but I do
Yes, I get plenty of pussy, welcome to my night time playground of glory
This must go on forever, the well never dries up like abandoned doggie poo
I'm the king of the road, if you get on my wrong side, you'll be sorry
Being me is not easy, it's difficult to be this sexy, all those hours spent pumping iron with steroids in my system
Need to look good for hitting the clubs you see, I like to get down and boogie, even though when I dance I've go no rhythm
I'm sure to get laid, just gotta remember all my pick up lines, who could resist my charm and this hot body,
I'm rolling in cash, wanna check out my stash? They'll be throwing themselves at me, who wouldn't want a man as sexy as me
When i get my trophy wife in the bag, my picture perfect barbie doll, I'll be the envy of all my friends, they'll be so dirty
Not just some ugly scrag, but a hot looking model, we'll make plenty of raunchy love, I'll stick it to all my enemies
The future is looking good, I've done everything I should, the world is my oyster and it's only gonna get better
I've got my mind on track, there's no going back, I'm a animal on the attack, getting rich is all that matters
It's been a difficult journey, I've walked for miles and miles, all the perks haven't come cheaply, hard work and sweat aplenty,
When I finally make it, I will celebrate in style, hold an extravagent party, rub shoulders with high society
I've got shoulder blades as large as a massive piece of rump steak
When the boys invade the pitch, we do it like we've got it made
We'll all be getting laid, we're rich you see, check out the personalised license plates
On my new big boy's toy, my souped up V8 ute, to carry all the loot
Reward for all my efforts, some people just don't get it, but I do
Yes, I get plenty of pussy, welcome to my night time playground of glory
This must go on forever, the well never dries up like abandoned doggie poo
I'm the king of the road, if you get on my wrong side, you'll be sorry
All the seeds I've sown are starting to grow, got a job in the mines, salt on my chips all the time
I'm doing just fine, like a mature bottle of wine, my life's sublime, no need to commit crime
I've walked the straight line, all the way to the bank, it's Gina I gotta thank for making me rich
I spend all my money at once, forget about the rainy day, it's not just a phase, I've really got it made
I love to spread honey on my toast, I'm not one to boast or to gloat, but check out my new boat
I'll always stay afloat with my remote in one hand, picking all the porn channels on my Foxtel subcription
Sports mania on the weekends, but I just can't concentrate, so I elevate my mind with dexies I've got on presciption
You may think I'm just another bogan but I'm no fool, I've got my foot in the share market, wheeling and dealing
You may think that I'm jokin' but I know what I'm doin', I've set my target and it starts at millions
I've got shoulder blades as large as a massive piece of rump steak
When the boys invade the pitch, we do it like we've got it made
We'll all be getting laid, we're rich you see, check out the personalised license plates
On my new big boy's toy, my souped up V8 ute, to carry all the loot
Reward for all my efforts, some people just don't get it, but I do
Yes, I get plenty of pussy, welcome to my night time playground of glory
This must go on forever, the well never dries up like abandoned doggie poo
I'm the king of the road, if you get on my wrong side, you'll be sorry
Look over the fence and see my neigbour's pool, I shall get one too some day, just gotta keep being a tool
Soon I'll be the fattest cat on the block, with golden statues behind the locks, the neighbours will be jealous
I'll be rolling in a Benz and strutting around with a pimp cane adorned with gold chains and expensive jewels
Yes, I'm stuck in the rat race, but I don't mind, a golden clock shall tell me the time, I could care less
But I'll still hang on to my ute, it impresses the chicks, it's hard and robust just like my monster dick
I'm a refined man, a player, I like to wear Tommy Hilfiger and dabble with moisturiser, gotta keep myself lookin' sexy
I'll learn to play the flute or maybe the violin, so I can come across as cultured, no just another typical bloke
But wait a minute, classical music is for poofs, and there's no cure for it, best stick to driving my boat
On the weekends I will live it up, drinking champagne and eating caviar, no wait again, that's for poofs
In the end, I'm just another blokey bloke, I don't like vegetables, only meat, won't see me at the next doof
I've got shoulder blades as large as a massive piece of rump steak
When the boys invade the pitch, we do it like we've got it made
We'll all be getting laid, we're rich you see, check out the personalised license plates
On my new big boy's toy, my souped up V8 ute, to carry all the loot
Reward for all my efforts, some people just don't get it, but I do
Yes, I get plenty of pussy, welcome to my night time playground of glory
This must go on forever, the well never dries up like abandoned doggie poo
I'm the king of the road, if you get on my wrong side, you'll be sorry
Being me is not easy, it's difficult to be this sexy, all those hours spent pumping iron with steroids in my system
Need to look good for hitting the clubs you see, I like to get down and boogie, even though when I dance I've go no rhythm
I'm sure to get laid, just gotta remember all my pick up lines, who could resist my charm and this hot body,
I'm rolling in cash, wanna check out my stash? They'll be throwing themselves at me, who wouldn't want a man as sexy as me
When i get my trophy wife in the bag, my picture perfect barbie doll, I'll be the envy of all my friends, they'll be so dirty
Not just some ugly scrag, but a hot looking model, we'll make plenty of raunchy love, I'll stick it to all my enemies
The future is looking good, I've done everything I should, the world is my oyster and it's only gonna get better
I've got my mind on track, there's no going back, I'm a animal on the attack, getting rich is all that matters
It's been a difficult journey, I've walked for miles and miles, all the perks haven't come cheaply, hard work and sweat aplenty,
When I finally make it, I will celebrate in style, hold an extravagent party, rub shoulders with high society
I've got shoulder blades as large as a massive piece of rump steak
When the boys invade the pitch, we do it like we've got it made
We'll all be getting laid, we're rich you see, check out the personalised license plates
On my new big boy's toy, my souped up V8 ute, to carry all the loot
Reward for all my efforts, some people just don't get it, but I do
Yes, I get plenty of pussy, welcome to my night time playground of glory
This must go on forever, the well never dries up like abandoned doggie poo
I'm the king of the road, if you get on my wrong side, you'll be sorry
I'm always on the go, star in my own show, a black and white classic
I'm here to be seen, someone's watching the screen, my life is special like magic
They watch my every move like I was a suspicious youth, see me, I'm a movie star
I'm ready to get loose like a rotten tooth, yes, I'm gonna go far like a rally car
I don't care about privacy or civil liberties, just as long as I'm on the TV
Caught on surveillance, CCTV, they'll always see me, yes, I'm free indeed
It's not a police state, free to do as I please, as long as I don't step out of line
It's hard to get away with anything these days, just like a hooker from STDs, no future in crime
So it's better to conform and perform, do it for all my fans, walk in a straight line
Follow all the rules and norms, don't jay walk, be a good citizen, let them control my mind
From the streets to the suburbs,
From the sub to the tweet,
From my dreams to my lover
They'll be watching me,
Eyes glued to the screen,
My endeavours fatigue.
Better not smoke in the city, or piss on the street, don't wanna risk being fined
An object of pity, the hobo who begs for money, hungry all of the time, not my problem
Creature of the night, the passive consumer type, got products on my mind, such seduction
Blinded by neon lights, tits and arse in my line of sight, I don't mind waiting in line
I love boxing day sales, stampede in the shopping mall, who cares if someone gets hurt?
Got many a tale to share about bargains I fought hard for, savings that I deserve
Go home with shopping bags in hand, happy as a spoilt child, I've got it made, the stickers never fade
I'm such a satisfied man, been running for a mile, coming first in the rat race
I know that I've done well, the evidence speaks for itself, check out the smile on my face
I'm dirt wealthy, can't you tell? Gold ornaments of the shelf, please remind me just in case
From the streets to the suburbs,
From the sub to the tweet,
From my dreams to my lover
They'll be watching me,
Eyes glued to the screen,
My endeavours fatigue.
When I walk the mean streets, nothing is of concern to me, as long as I have money I'm free to do as I please
Let me tell you all about my amazing shopping feats, the time I got a perfume sample for free, made me feel so sexy
The shopping mall is my stomping ground, the place where happiness is to be found, no need to frown
I'm so high this time around, like an ant at the top of the mound, there's no coming down, man about town
Everything that can be bought, I've purchased before in all the up-market stores, no stopping this trooper
And I'll keep going back for more, I admit it, I'm a consumer whore, my reputation is super-duper
I pose for all the security cameras, with all my goodies in hand, I wonder who is watching me pay at the counter?
They know that I'm a superstar, ordinary people just don't understand the pressure that I'm constantly under
Paparrazi waiting at the front door of the store, ready to take another snap of me, I don't mind the least bit
It takes much effort to be me, but I'm hungry for more, just like a junkie for the substance in his fit
So much pressure to perform, I keep the show rolling, hunting for the newest fashions with plastic cards in hand
It's the reason why I was born, I just can't stop shopping, it's my greatest passion, do it for my fans
From the streets to the suburbs,
From the sub to the tweet,
From my dreams to my lover
They'll be watching me,
Eyes glued to the screen,
My endeavours fatigue.
I'm here to be seen, someone's watching the screen, my life is special like magic
They watch my every move like I was a suspicious youth, see me, I'm a movie star
I'm ready to get loose like a rotten tooth, yes, I'm gonna go far like a rally car
I don't care about privacy or civil liberties, just as long as I'm on the TV
Caught on surveillance, CCTV, they'll always see me, yes, I'm free indeed
It's not a police state, free to do as I please, as long as I don't step out of line
It's hard to get away with anything these days, just like a hooker from STDs, no future in crime
So it's better to conform and perform, do it for all my fans, walk in a straight line
Follow all the rules and norms, don't jay walk, be a good citizen, let them control my mind
From the streets to the suburbs,
From the sub to the tweet,
From my dreams to my lover
They'll be watching me,
Eyes glued to the screen,
My endeavours fatigue.
Better not smoke in the city, or piss on the street, don't wanna risk being fined
An object of pity, the hobo who begs for money, hungry all of the time, not my problem
Creature of the night, the passive consumer type, got products on my mind, such seduction
Blinded by neon lights, tits and arse in my line of sight, I don't mind waiting in line
I love boxing day sales, stampede in the shopping mall, who cares if someone gets hurt?
Got many a tale to share about bargains I fought hard for, savings that I deserve
Go home with shopping bags in hand, happy as a spoilt child, I've got it made, the stickers never fade
I'm such a satisfied man, been running for a mile, coming first in the rat race
I know that I've done well, the evidence speaks for itself, check out the smile on my face
I'm dirt wealthy, can't you tell? Gold ornaments of the shelf, please remind me just in case
From the streets to the suburbs,
From the sub to the tweet,
From my dreams to my lover
They'll be watching me,
Eyes glued to the screen,
My endeavours fatigue.
When I walk the mean streets, nothing is of concern to me, as long as I have money I'm free to do as I please
Let me tell you all about my amazing shopping feats, the time I got a perfume sample for free, made me feel so sexy
The shopping mall is my stomping ground, the place where happiness is to be found, no need to frown
I'm so high this time around, like an ant at the top of the mound, there's no coming down, man about town
Everything that can be bought, I've purchased before in all the up-market stores, no stopping this trooper
And I'll keep going back for more, I admit it, I'm a consumer whore, my reputation is super-duper
I pose for all the security cameras, with all my goodies in hand, I wonder who is watching me pay at the counter?
They know that I'm a superstar, ordinary people just don't understand the pressure that I'm constantly under
Paparrazi waiting at the front door of the store, ready to take another snap of me, I don't mind the least bit
It takes much effort to be me, but I'm hungry for more, just like a junkie for the substance in his fit
So much pressure to perform, I keep the show rolling, hunting for the newest fashions with plastic cards in hand
It's the reason why I was born, I just can't stop shopping, it's my greatest passion, do it for my fans
From the streets to the suburbs,
From the sub to the tweet,
From my dreams to my lover
They'll be watching me,
Eyes glued to the screen,
My endeavours fatigue.
Monday, January 19, 2015
Spineless cowards just like John Howard, took him away from us
Blood on your hands, you don't understand what he meant to us
He was so happy, so gentle, a silly old thing, he didn't ask for much
You knew it was vicious and dangerous, didn't learn your lesson, lucky I didn't kick up a fuss
The ranger knocked on your door, but you just hid away, no back bone
If you want war, then you've got war, hope you sleep well when you're alone
I'm not spiteful, but he got quite a fright, then he left us forever
Gave us an insight into your lack of humanity, though he was old
He had many years left, now we're bereft, your reaction was so cold
I'm struggling to come to terms with it, finding it hard to be bold
Grow a spine you neglectful fuck, it's about fucking time
What if it were a member of your family? Would you cry like we cried?
You didn't even say sorry, just hid in the house like a coward
You said he'd be alright, after you pulled your mongrel away,
Now he's gone forever, never to return, you really fucked up my day
Next time I see you, rest assured I'll have something to say
How could you hide away when you knew full well he had died?
How could you stay hidden away after all the tears we had cried
You let him out again even though you knew it would happen again
Monster on the other side of the fence, your actions you can't defend
And you hide away because you've lost face, are you that afraid
How about how he felt during the attack, you'd better watch your back
Grow a spine you neglectful fuck, it's about fucking time
What if it were a member of your family? Would you cry like we cried?
He meant the world to me, the best friend a man could wish for, now he's no more
You've done it before, will you hide away when the ranger comes knocking on your door
I bet you'll do it again, refuse to take responsibility just like the last time
I can't do anything but vent with this pen, express my rage in rhyme
It could have been a child, anyone moron could have seen it coming
You don't have the balls to face up to it, so you keep on running
The tragedy is your lack of humanity, didn't even say you were sorry
Fucking bogan scum, thought you were ok but now you've got yourself an enemy
And no amount of words will change a thing, but how about an apology
That would be nice, some consolation, don't ask for more, just a show of humanity
Grow a spine you neglectful fuck, it's about fucking time
What if it were a member of your family? Would you cry like we cried?
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
You can't stop underground hip hop, it's the sound of resistance
Just like punk rock, hear the sound of rebellion, fuck this existence
Counter-cultures so hard-hitting that they can't be ignored, we'll settle the score
Human failure is consuming all and sundry, we're all whores, I'm feeling so bored
It's not OK to think that everything's alright, darkness in the light
Got something to say? then say it out loud, be proud, creatures of the night
Sometimes we got to pray to our own gods, the gods inside ourselves
If you don't change your ways, accept your lot, bow down, then you really need help
It's a hard life, I've been through trials and tribulations, it's only made me stronger
Always in strife, I've walked for miles, testing my patience, won't play victim any longer
The school of hard knocks will knock us down like a demolition
But through hip hop we can find our voice, we're on a mission
The sound of punk rock giving us a choice, we've got a vision
The sound of the underground keeping us sane
You can't stop underground hip hop, it's the sound of resistance
Just like punk rock, hear the sound of rebellion, fuck this existence
Counter-cultures so hard-hitting that they can't be ignored, we'll settle the score
Human failure is consuming all and sundry, we're all whores, I'm feeling so bored
It's not my way to ignore our planet's plight, here to do what's right
Got something to spray, then vandalise walls, stand tall, yes, take up the fight
Some days we don't want to get out of bed, but that's alright, it's life
If you don't seize the day, create masterpieces, then I'll hand you the knife
Its a cruel world, I've seen things you just can't imagine, it's only made me bitter
A string of pearls, no, diamond rings are not my passion, transcend worldly desire
The school of hard knocks will knock us down like a demolition
But through hip hop we can find our voice, we're on a mission
The sound of punk rock giving us a choice, we've got a vision
The sound of the underground keeping us sane
You can't stop underground hip hop, it's the sound of resistance
Just like punk rock, hear the sound of rebellion, fuck this existence
Counter-cultures so hard-hitting that they can't be ignored, we'll settle the score
Human failure is consuming all and sundry, we're all whores, I'm feeling so bored
The end of days, apocalypse approaching, fat cat's deceiving
Heads down in dismay, very little hope, tight rope, shit we're receiving
Some day we've got to change our sorry ways, yes, start today
If you don't take the bait, refuse to hate, don't wait, then the world we can save
There's always hope, may the sad truth be the catalyst, take steps to make things better
Yes, we can cope, stop the abuse of mother nature, slave chains for us to sever
The school of hard knocks will knock us down like a demolition
But through hip hop we can find our voice, we're on a mission
The sound of punk rock giving us a choice, we've got a vision
The sound of the underground keeping us sane
I've got flows on the go, my bars are deadly, they can't stop this
I'm a man in the know, topics are heavy, challenging views
Here to open minds, it's not so easy, ignorant bliss
Spread truth over time, know your enemy, they oppress you
Their corporate crimes, the rich are greedy, top of the list
Address issues through rhyme, plight of the needy, raise both my fists
The folks in between, falling through the cracks, nobody cares
My words are obscene, gangster rap is whack, nothing to say
All bling and bitches, no doubt about that, most unaware
Drowning in riches, spread disease like rats, no work, all play
Drop the bomb, the bomb of truth
Righting wrongs, let's raise the roof
Sing my song, reach out to youth
Something's wrong, do you need proof?
Militant like soldiers, my words acerbic, jaded dissident
Our race is a failure, our lives so tragic, it's quite evident
Our hearts closed like prisons, lack of compassion for boat people
We swallow their poison, hands tied, inaction, condone evil
Believe lies we're sold, rampant apathy, plastic people
God's rules to uphold, worship deity, holy steeple
Comfortable lifestyles breed complacency, fools in their place
Running a mile, on the man's treadmill, stuck in the rat race
Time to revile our society, a bitter taste
Revere Fred Nile, abandon free will, condemn with haste
Drop the bomb, the bomb of truth
Righting wrongs, let's raise the roof
Sing my song, reach out to youth
Something's wrong, do you need proof?
Running full throttle, I enjoy my life, can't control me
Hitting the bottle, find yourself in strife, you'll be sorry
Socially sanctioned, soma for the flock, not a druggie
Action, reaction, nothing really shocks, yes, we are free
Run, hide from the truth, too hard to accept, so scared we flee
Brainwashing our youth, teaching false concepts, too blind to see
Critical thinking, a thing of the past, accept defeat
The ship is sinking, hole in the mast, karma we reap
So out of touch, cohort of fools, mere tools indeed
Fight them through art, ignore their rules, find your own peace
Drop the bomb, the bomb of truth
Righting wrongs, let's raise the roof
Sing my song, reach out to youth
Something's wrong, do you need proof?
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