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i am the dissident poetician...i tear down fences with sardonic sardines and metaphysical cucumbers

Friday, January 31, 2014


new year’s eve 
at the foreshore
looking for fun;
lights flashing
way too bright
for us to see through;
people walking
far too much

for us to handle;
little people

in the playground
simple pleasures;

look up at the stars
see what you choose
to see up there;
walking in the dark
try to remember
where point A is;
watching carefully

eyes firmly fixed
on the road ahead;

lights blurring
more than enough
to distract me;

colours swirl around
in a wave of blood

perception jilted;
feel like I’m floating
above like a cloud

feeling light as air;
the present captured

in the eye of my mind
everything is beautiful;
choose your own adventure
anything is possible

when you open the door

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