Despite Abbott's lies, Gaza is occupied, by the relentless Zionists
Who bring in bulldozers, houses pushed over, for 'harbouring terrorists'
The West only see the terror of desperate suicide bombers
As the Palestinians suffer and mourn for their murdered family members
Never a fair fight, advantage to one side, a case of rocks versus tanks
Each day, it's more of the same, children get maimed or killed, paid for by the yanks
Uncle Sam spends more in military aid to the war-mongering Zionist regime
Than the rest of the world combined, don't tell me that's not fucking crazy
World leaders sit by and twiddle thumbs as more Palestinians die
The public are too apathetic, brain washed and self-absorbed to question why
The constant humiliation, Palestinians treated like second class citizens
In their own land, there's no freedom, civilians supposedly killed by accident
Each and every day, children wake up to gunfire and explosions
Death - a common occurrence, there's no righteous cause, just moral erosion
Sad state of affairs, people who used to live side by side, now bitter enemies
Jews survived the the horror of the holocaust, only to carry on the legacy
The IDF armed by the US, kill with impunity, act just like the Nazis
The Palestinians fight back by blowing themselves into smithereens
There can be be no peace, while Israel keeps building settlements in the West Bank
They flaunt their disproportionate power, carry out another incursion with their tanks
Art sucks. Poetry sucks. Everything is fucked. I suck. You suck. So if I am so anti-everything, why do I even bother "creating" anything? Well one has to do something with one's time. Welcome to my playground. I am the Dissident Poetician. Doing Poetician stuff is what i do. "Art is dead, don’t consume its corpse" - graffiti in the streets of Paris, May 68. Long live the spirit of May 68. Piss in the fountain of dada.
About Me

- dissident poetician
- i am the dissident poetician...i tear down fences with sardonic sardines and metaphysical cucumbers
Monday, October 27, 2014
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
I've got a bone to pick with society, living makes me sick
This world fills me up with anxiety, the doomsday clock ticks
All around me, I see plastic people, and corporate cretin evil
Advertising makes me feel feeble, excluded from the holy steeple
I was born tabula rasa, only to be filled with nonsense, bourgeois indoctrination
Forced to believe in the holy father, swim in circles like a goldfish, standard socialisation
We're all martyrs like Jesus Christ, wasted lives, sacrifice for the market
Stormy weather, the spectre of Katrina, Gina Rinehart makes a perfect target
No sympathy for prisoners, treated as the other, they're deviant just like gunja
We don't care about our sisters and brothers, too busy competing with one another
Got a bone to pick
This world makes me sick
When I was much younger, I thought I had all the answers, had learnt all my lessons
Now I'm not quite so sure, I yearn for something more, got a mind full of questions
So many reasons to get angry at the greed of the enemy, anger is an asset
The stupidity of the many, living on a drip feed, time to place my bets
On who will win the Darwin Award, we can't afford to throw away our lives
We only live once, the indignation of the sun, who wants to win a prize?
The saviour of the future is you and me, everyone writes their own history
The pleasure of more leisure time, it's plain to see that your job only brings you grief
So quit straight away, more time to play, the best things in life are free
But if you need the money, follow your dreams and sail the seven seas
Got a bone to pick
This world makes me sick
Nothing is as it seems, question what you believe, change your point of view
Learn to read the subtext, see beyond the sex, reject the lies sold to you
You're a creature of style, upwardly mobile, think you're going places
A vacuous yuppie, flaunt your wealth for all to see, lost among blank faces
I'm on a mission to make others listen, my acerbic words are my weapons
And I won't stop until I'm knackered, found a cure for cancer, I have good reasons
For the planet is dying, as politicians keep lying, in bed with the mining industry
They tell us climate change is a fallacy, just a lefty loony conspiracy
There's so many excuses to avoid doing the dishes, leave them for someone else
Much easier to switch off your mind, watch TV in your spare time, take a good look at yourself
Got a bone to pick
This world makes me sick
This world fills me up with anxiety, the doomsday clock ticks
All around me, I see plastic people, and corporate cretin evil
Advertising makes me feel feeble, excluded from the holy steeple
I was born tabula rasa, only to be filled with nonsense, bourgeois indoctrination
Forced to believe in the holy father, swim in circles like a goldfish, standard socialisation
We're all martyrs like Jesus Christ, wasted lives, sacrifice for the market
Stormy weather, the spectre of Katrina, Gina Rinehart makes a perfect target
No sympathy for prisoners, treated as the other, they're deviant just like gunja
We don't care about our sisters and brothers, too busy competing with one another
Got a bone to pick
This world makes me sick
When I was much younger, I thought I had all the answers, had learnt all my lessons
Now I'm not quite so sure, I yearn for something more, got a mind full of questions
So many reasons to get angry at the greed of the enemy, anger is an asset
The stupidity of the many, living on a drip feed, time to place my bets
On who will win the Darwin Award, we can't afford to throw away our lives
We only live once, the indignation of the sun, who wants to win a prize?
The saviour of the future is you and me, everyone writes their own history
The pleasure of more leisure time, it's plain to see that your job only brings you grief
So quit straight away, more time to play, the best things in life are free
But if you need the money, follow your dreams and sail the seven seas
Got a bone to pick
This world makes me sick
Nothing is as it seems, question what you believe, change your point of view
Learn to read the subtext, see beyond the sex, reject the lies sold to you
You're a creature of style, upwardly mobile, think you're going places
A vacuous yuppie, flaunt your wealth for all to see, lost among blank faces
I'm on a mission to make others listen, my acerbic words are my weapons
And I won't stop until I'm knackered, found a cure for cancer, I have good reasons
For the planet is dying, as politicians keep lying, in bed with the mining industry
They tell us climate change is a fallacy, just a lefty loony conspiracy
There's so many excuses to avoid doing the dishes, leave them for someone else
Much easier to switch off your mind, watch TV in your spare time, take a good look at yourself
Got a bone to pick
This world makes me sick
If we accept this ecocide we may as well all commit suicide, blow up the outside
World, for there won't be much left except for cyclones, floods and death, as mother nature cries
It's time for us to sacrifice, to pay the full price, to save the planet for future generations
We need to listen to the tides, learn to question why, it's time for quiet contemplation
The world is so fragile, we've only been here a while, but we've destroyed all and sundry
Time to stop fracking, to start hacking the mainframe, that shit makes me angry
The world is our oyster, ours to make better, better now than never
Time to be clever, observe the changing weather, let's all join together
Following the march of ants, to the rhythm of the peace drums, I've got a master plan
To make us the masses aware, the people over there, do whatever we can
Time to pry some eyes open before they start up their hunting season
Thought I was only joking when I called for us to commit treason?
No nations, no borders, turn off all television stations, and stop taking orders
From corporations, only out to rape us, the truth may just be the thing that saves us
If we let them rape this earth, we may as well buy a planet sized hearse, stop the search
For the remedy to the world's problems, give up hope, for nothing really works
That's just pessimism, an opaque prism, a tendency to jump to conclusions
But there's a better way, hope in every waking day, let's all search for solutions
GMO sold to those in need, Monsanto sowing seeds of greed, spreading cancer
Like it were ordinary, no need to worry, no siree, Uncle Sam's got all the answers
Bomb weak countries to smithereens, then pave the way for reconstruction, money to be made
Halliburton's got the contracts, a matter of fact that it's corruption, executives to be paid
Wake up before it's too late, it's not sealed in fate, there's an escape route for humanity
If we seek out the truth, we can put the knowledge to use, stick it to the evil companies
Time to pry some eyes open before they start up their hunting season
Thought I was only joking when I called for us to commit treason?
No nations, no borders, turn off all television stations, and stop taking orders
From corporations, only out to rape us, the truth may just be the thing that saves us
If we submit to the status quo, we may as well go shit on everything that we know
To be right, to be decent, we need to be more sublime that that, stop being so shallow
It's time to open our eyes, to unwrap the prize inside our minds, altered perception
We need to listen to rebellion's call, read the graffiti on the walls, see through deception
The agents of orange, the ugly face of revenge, the ghosts of Hiroshima
Depleted uranium, Babylon on fire, scorching winter, unpredictable weather
IMF keeping the poor on a chain, with nothing to gain, always behind the eight ball
Profit's the name of the game, as cluster bombs maim, I want to see Wall Street fall
Though lies are plenty, the glass is not empty, we can still have our fill, rise above
Unfurl our wings, question everything, turn on the light and take flight like a black dove
Time to pry some eyes open before they start up their hunting season
Thought I was only joking when I called for us to commit treason?
No nations, no borders, turn off all television stations, and stop taking orders
From corporations, only out to rape us, the truth may just be the thing that saves us
World, for there won't be much left except for cyclones, floods and death, as mother nature cries
It's time for us to sacrifice, to pay the full price, to save the planet for future generations
We need to listen to the tides, learn to question why, it's time for quiet contemplation
The world is so fragile, we've only been here a while, but we've destroyed all and sundry
Time to stop fracking, to start hacking the mainframe, that shit makes me angry
The world is our oyster, ours to make better, better now than never
Time to be clever, observe the changing weather, let's all join together
Following the march of ants, to the rhythm of the peace drums, I've got a master plan
To make us the masses aware, the people over there, do whatever we can
Time to pry some eyes open before they start up their hunting season
Thought I was only joking when I called for us to commit treason?
No nations, no borders, turn off all television stations, and stop taking orders
From corporations, only out to rape us, the truth may just be the thing that saves us
If we let them rape this earth, we may as well buy a planet sized hearse, stop the search
For the remedy to the world's problems, give up hope, for nothing really works
That's just pessimism, an opaque prism, a tendency to jump to conclusions
But there's a better way, hope in every waking day, let's all search for solutions
GMO sold to those in need, Monsanto sowing seeds of greed, spreading cancer
Like it were ordinary, no need to worry, no siree, Uncle Sam's got all the answers
Bomb weak countries to smithereens, then pave the way for reconstruction, money to be made
Halliburton's got the contracts, a matter of fact that it's corruption, executives to be paid
Wake up before it's too late, it's not sealed in fate, there's an escape route for humanity
If we seek out the truth, we can put the knowledge to use, stick it to the evil companies
Time to pry some eyes open before they start up their hunting season
Thought I was only joking when I called for us to commit treason?
No nations, no borders, turn off all television stations, and stop taking orders
From corporations, only out to rape us, the truth may just be the thing that saves us
If we submit to the status quo, we may as well go shit on everything that we know
To be right, to be decent, we need to be more sublime that that, stop being so shallow
It's time to open our eyes, to unwrap the prize inside our minds, altered perception
We need to listen to rebellion's call, read the graffiti on the walls, see through deception
The agents of orange, the ugly face of revenge, the ghosts of Hiroshima
Depleted uranium, Babylon on fire, scorching winter, unpredictable weather
IMF keeping the poor on a chain, with nothing to gain, always behind the eight ball
Profit's the name of the game, as cluster bombs maim, I want to see Wall Street fall
Though lies are plenty, the glass is not empty, we can still have our fill, rise above
Unfurl our wings, question everything, turn on the light and take flight like a black dove
Time to pry some eyes open before they start up their hunting season
Thought I was only joking when I called for us to commit treason?
No nations, no borders, turn off all television stations, and stop taking orders
From corporations, only out to rape us, the truth may just be the thing that saves us
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Everywhere I go, I get bombarded with visual pollution, Coca Cola in the solution
I take a sip of the mixture, provides me with pleasure and dutch courage, its seducing
Makes me obnoxious, the words I spit are toxic, I rocks it
But I've got nothing to say, nothing new anyway, it's the same shit that I spray, day after day
I've got my mind on repeat, ready to concede defeat, almost beat
I think I'm free, but I'm running on empty, following sheep, unable to see
Through all the bullshit that they throw at me, the lies bouncing off of every page
I'm just a slave, to the wage, the perfect worker, consumer of this day and age
Following trends all the way to the bitter end, competing with all of my friends
To see who has the largest house, biggest dick, most plastic girl in the play pen
Cash, money
Cash, money
Cash, money
Cash, money
I've got it made, got everything I need but I still want more
Because there's something missing, but what it is - I'm not quite sure
I'm not the smartest kid on the block, just a follower, a corporate whore
They've got me by the balls, the writing's on the walls, & it's rotten to the core
I'm oversensitive, but I'm attentive, watching who's getting the better of me
Gotta keep up with the Joneses, compete, keep on buying shit that I don't need
But it keeps me happy, makes me feel important, this life is so decadent
Self-indulgent yuppie, yes that's me, to be rich, is the pinnacle off excellence
I'm chasing the American dream, on the right team, dreaming of dollars all of the time, I'm a cash fiend
I love money and all the happiness it can buy, advertising consumes my mind, I'm free
Cash, money
Cash, money
Cash, money
Cash, money
I never read books, prefer to watch rubbish on television, it's my own decision
I keep on tuning in to commercial religion, lack of peripheral vision
I worship celebrities even though they make me feel ugly, invoke my insecurities
All the products on display make me aroused, give me a dose of retail therapy, stand out in the crowd
It's the solution to all my problems, gives me relief, must follow the latest fashions
I throw caution to the wind, maxing out my plastic cards, shopping is my passion
Without an overabundance of credit, I can't keep up with the competition
And even though I hate my job, it pays for my exorbitant lifestyle, that's some consolation
I don't care about all those hours I spin into nothing, don't believe in saving just in case
Of a rainy day, that's just not my way, I don't mind being caught in the rat race
Cash, money
Cash, money
Cash, money
Cash, money
I take a sip of the mixture, provides me with pleasure and dutch courage, its seducing
Makes me obnoxious, the words I spit are toxic, I rocks it
But I've got nothing to say, nothing new anyway, it's the same shit that I spray, day after day
I've got my mind on repeat, ready to concede defeat, almost beat
I think I'm free, but I'm running on empty, following sheep, unable to see
Through all the bullshit that they throw at me, the lies bouncing off of every page
I'm just a slave, to the wage, the perfect worker, consumer of this day and age
Following trends all the way to the bitter end, competing with all of my friends
To see who has the largest house, biggest dick, most plastic girl in the play pen
Cash, money
Cash, money
Cash, money
Cash, money
I've got it made, got everything I need but I still want more
Because there's something missing, but what it is - I'm not quite sure
I'm not the smartest kid on the block, just a follower, a corporate whore
They've got me by the balls, the writing's on the walls, & it's rotten to the core
I'm oversensitive, but I'm attentive, watching who's getting the better of me
Gotta keep up with the Joneses, compete, keep on buying shit that I don't need
But it keeps me happy, makes me feel important, this life is so decadent
Self-indulgent yuppie, yes that's me, to be rich, is the pinnacle off excellence
I'm chasing the American dream, on the right team, dreaming of dollars all of the time, I'm a cash fiend
I love money and all the happiness it can buy, advertising consumes my mind, I'm free
Cash, money
Cash, money
Cash, money
Cash, money
I never read books, prefer to watch rubbish on television, it's my own decision
I keep on tuning in to commercial religion, lack of peripheral vision
I worship celebrities even though they make me feel ugly, invoke my insecurities
All the products on display make me aroused, give me a dose of retail therapy, stand out in the crowd
It's the solution to all my problems, gives me relief, must follow the latest fashions
I throw caution to the wind, maxing out my plastic cards, shopping is my passion
Without an overabundance of credit, I can't keep up with the competition
And even though I hate my job, it pays for my exorbitant lifestyle, that's some consolation
I don't care about all those hours I spin into nothing, don't believe in saving just in case
Of a rainy day, that's just not my way, I don't mind being caught in the rat race
Cash, money
Cash, money
Cash, money
Cash, money
Friday, October 17, 2014
Everywhere I go, I get bombarded with visual pollution, Coca Cola in the solution
I take a sip of the mixture, it provides me with pleasure and dutch courage
Makes me obnoxious, the words I spit are glorious, but don't take me serious
Because I've got nothing to day, nothing new anyway, it's the same day after day
I've got my mind on repeat, almost ready to concede defeat, almost beat
I think I'm free but I'm running of empty, following sheep, unable to see
Through all the bullshit they throw at me, the lies bouncing off every page
I'm just a slave to the wage, the perfect worker and consumer of this day and age
Following trends all the way to the bitter end, competing with all my friends
To see who has the largest house, biggest dick, most plastic and the hottest hen
I've got it made, got everything I need but I still want more and more
Because there's something missing, but what it is - I'm not quite sure
I'm not the smartest cookie on the block, just a follower, a corporate whore
They've got me by the balls, the writing's on the walls, it's rotten to the core
Log on to Facebook, check my news feed to see who's getting the better of me
Gotta keep up with the Jones, compete, keep on buying shit that I don't need
But it keeps me happy, makes me feel important, this life is so decadent
Self-indulgent yuppie, yes that's me, to be wealthy is the pinnacle off excellence
I'm chasing the American dream, on the right team, dreaming of dollars all of the time
I love money and all the happiness it can buy, advertising consumes my mind
I never read books, prefer to watch the rubbish on television, it's my own decision
There's nothing really worth watching, but I keep of tuning in to commercial religion
I worship celebrities even though they make me feel ugly, invoke my insecurities
All the products on display make me aroused, give me a dose of retail therapy
It's the solution to all my problems, gives me relief, must follow the latest fashions
I throw caution to the wind, maxing out my plastic cards, shopping is my passion
Without an overabundance of credit, I can't keep up with the competition
And even though I hate my job, it pays for my new car, that's some consolation
I don't care about all those hours I spin into nothing, don't believe in saving just in case
Of a rainy day, that's just not my way, I don't mind being caught in the rat race
I take a sip of the mixture, it provides me with pleasure and dutch courage
Makes me obnoxious, the words I spit are glorious, but don't take me serious
Because I've got nothing to day, nothing new anyway, it's the same day after day
I've got my mind on repeat, almost ready to concede defeat, almost beat
I think I'm free but I'm running of empty, following sheep, unable to see
Through all the bullshit they throw at me, the lies bouncing off every page
I'm just a slave to the wage, the perfect worker and consumer of this day and age
Following trends all the way to the bitter end, competing with all my friends
To see who has the largest house, biggest dick, most plastic and the hottest hen
I've got it made, got everything I need but I still want more and more
Because there's something missing, but what it is - I'm not quite sure
I'm not the smartest cookie on the block, just a follower, a corporate whore
They've got me by the balls, the writing's on the walls, it's rotten to the core
Log on to Facebook, check my news feed to see who's getting the better of me
Gotta keep up with the Jones, compete, keep on buying shit that I don't need
But it keeps me happy, makes me feel important, this life is so decadent
Self-indulgent yuppie, yes that's me, to be wealthy is the pinnacle off excellence
I'm chasing the American dream, on the right team, dreaming of dollars all of the time
I love money and all the happiness it can buy, advertising consumes my mind
I never read books, prefer to watch the rubbish on television, it's my own decision
There's nothing really worth watching, but I keep of tuning in to commercial religion
I worship celebrities even though they make me feel ugly, invoke my insecurities
All the products on display make me aroused, give me a dose of retail therapy
It's the solution to all my problems, gives me relief, must follow the latest fashions
I throw caution to the wind, maxing out my plastic cards, shopping is my passion
Without an overabundance of credit, I can't keep up with the competition
And even though I hate my job, it pays for my new car, that's some consolation
I don't care about all those hours I spin into nothing, don't believe in saving just in case
Of a rainy day, that's just not my way, I don't mind being caught in the rat race
these days, life is so fast paced, we're all caught in a rat race, just another face in the crowd
we're all consumed by self-doubt, fear and insecurity, consumption is what it's all about
everything is inside out, upside down, makes me wanna scream and shout
they want us all to conform, follow their mores and norms, like school boys in dorms
there's so many rules, to control stupid fools, who bow down, just someone else's tool
so many bogans in this racist land, gotta be a macho man, got their heads in the sand
meat pies for food, hoon around in utes, en route to Gina's mine's, living on borrowed time
pressure to buy widescreen televisions, it's a competition to see who has the most feeble mind
unaware of corporate crime, unable to see through bullshit, the purpose of this rhyme
to expose societal lies, enlighten the masses, give poltiical lessons, wake up the blind
time to wake up
open your eyes
all that matters in this world is money, when the blood splatters, we find it to be funny
we're all desensitised to violence, energised by murder, while the poor suffer in silence
and they further their corporate agenda, think they're so clever, have all the answers
Monsanto sowing the seeds of greed, as the needy starve and drink dirty water
climate change bringing about strange weather, heat wave in the middle of winter
coca cola fed to babies who die from influenza, rabies and other preventable diseases
our insatiable excesses, dirty lifestyle choices like junkie abscesses, hearing voices
like a schizophrenic, telling us to consume, we're so pathetic, taught lies in the class room
we want it all and we want it now, don't care about future generations, only new sensations
a cohort of yuppie wannabes, it's time to abort mission, wake up to class relations
time to wake up
open your eyes
we need to stop being so apolitical, it's time to use our minds, let's get critical and physical
get out on the streets, let's unite and put up a fight, don't accept defeat, bring real issues to the light
don't just be smart, learn to be wise, speak from the heart, learn to see through the lies
the time has come for a sea change, our dreams are not out of range, we just need to lift our game
so don't be tame, be brave like a soldier, are you willing to sacrifice in the name of revolution?
it's not the time to be nice, so show some attitude, take them by surprise, don't dwell in confusion
we need to let our voices be heard, fight for what we yearn, prepare the guillotine - the final solution
they want us all to spread memes of greed, forget about the cause, just work and consume
but we're gonna ignore their prescriptions, stop being bores and search for something more
we will not submit or take another hit of their soma shit, we're gonna stop being whores
time to wake up
open your eyes
we're all consumed by self-doubt, fear and insecurity, consumption is what it's all about
everything is inside out, upside down, makes me wanna scream and shout
they want us all to conform, follow their mores and norms, like school boys in dorms
there's so many rules, to control stupid fools, who bow down, just someone else's tool
so many bogans in this racist land, gotta be a macho man, got their heads in the sand
meat pies for food, hoon around in utes, en route to Gina's mine's, living on borrowed time
pressure to buy widescreen televisions, it's a competition to see who has the most feeble mind
unaware of corporate crime, unable to see through bullshit, the purpose of this rhyme
to expose societal lies, enlighten the masses, give poltiical lessons, wake up the blind
time to wake up
open your eyes
all that matters in this world is money, when the blood splatters, we find it to be funny
we're all desensitised to violence, energised by murder, while the poor suffer in silence
and they further their corporate agenda, think they're so clever, have all the answers
Monsanto sowing the seeds of greed, as the needy starve and drink dirty water
climate change bringing about strange weather, heat wave in the middle of winter
coca cola fed to babies who die from influenza, rabies and other preventable diseases
our insatiable excesses, dirty lifestyle choices like junkie abscesses, hearing voices
like a schizophrenic, telling us to consume, we're so pathetic, taught lies in the class room
we want it all and we want it now, don't care about future generations, only new sensations
a cohort of yuppie wannabes, it's time to abort mission, wake up to class relations
time to wake up
open your eyes
we need to stop being so apolitical, it's time to use our minds, let's get critical and physical
get out on the streets, let's unite and put up a fight, don't accept defeat, bring real issues to the light
don't just be smart, learn to be wise, speak from the heart, learn to see through the lies
the time has come for a sea change, our dreams are not out of range, we just need to lift our game
so don't be tame, be brave like a soldier, are you willing to sacrifice in the name of revolution?
it's not the time to be nice, so show some attitude, take them by surprise, don't dwell in confusion
we need to let our voices be heard, fight for what we yearn, prepare the guillotine - the final solution
they want us all to spread memes of greed, forget about the cause, just work and consume
but we're gonna ignore their prescriptions, stop being bores and search for something more
we will not submit or take another hit of their soma shit, we're gonna stop being whores
time to wake up
open your eyes
Thursday, October 16, 2014
CLASS WAR (edit)
I'm an iconoclast, political dissident on task, putting the C in class
I stick the knife in the bourgeoisie, I'm so crazy that they just can't handle me
I'm knocking down walls like a demolition artist, I'm quick, the smartest of the smartest
cool as ice, smooth as the Fonz, spent all day and all of last night righting wrongs
and I won't stop until I'm exhausted, consumed by the onslaught of renegade forces
it's getting darker hour by hour, the people cower, we need real solutions, we need to take back the power
you think you bring about peace through love but you can't change the world through you're flower power, love
we need to take them by surprise, catch them off guard, stick in the knife
they won't see us coming, we'll make them eat their words, their cake and their turds
they've been selling us short, we're all caught in a rat race, yes it's absurd
bring on the class war
I've had enough of your frat boy shit, so I'm taking hit after hit
of that mellow yellow stuff
I've had it up to the neck, I've hadhad way too much
you live off your daddy's cash, I'm going straight for your stash
and I'll be keying your old man's Benz, I've got a plan - but it's just another means to an end
your life is empty, you think you're something buy you're nothing, just another pussy
here I am, I'm living it up, planning a revolution, don't you push me
I can't be tamed, so clear the lane because I'm about to bring the a-game
I'm ready to dunk in your face like Shaquille O'Neal, thats how I feel
come near me with your wallet and I'll teach you how to steal
I'll smash your car windows, slash the tyres and steal your wheels, you corporate whore
bring on the class war
I'm militant like the SLA, bringing injustice to the light, fuck the CIA
I'll be robbing banks in the day, throwing Molotov cocktails at night, see me: I play
I'm wielding a semi-automatic, pointing it just like Patty Hearst
I've got a black book full of tactics, sticking syringes in arms and wielding scalpels, but I aint a nurse
I'm fucking crazy without a doubt, you're situation couldnt get any worse
I'm taking these fascists out, prepare a hearse
I'm the worst apple in the bag, the fucking black sheep, haven't you heard?
when I take all you're money, I'll show my hand, read 'em and weep
handing out your dollars to the people in need,
Robin Hood the only book I read, robbing's good, take from the rich thats what we need, wont stop sowing these seeds, climb upon my faithful steed
fuck corporations! fuck the nation! fuck god's creations! fucking out of patience!
bring on the class war
I stick the knife in the bourgeoisie, I'm so crazy that they just can't handle me
I'm knocking down walls like a demolition artist, I'm quick, the smartest of the smartest
cool as ice, smooth as the Fonz, spent all day and all of last night righting wrongs
and I won't stop until I'm exhausted, consumed by the onslaught of renegade forces
it's getting darker hour by hour, the people cower, we need real solutions, we need to take back the power
you think you bring about peace through love but you can't change the world through you're flower power, love
we need to take them by surprise, catch them off guard, stick in the knife
they won't see us coming, we'll make them eat their words, their cake and their turds
they've been selling us short, we're all caught in a rat race, yes it's absurd
bring on the class war
I've had enough of your frat boy shit, so I'm taking hit after hit
of that mellow yellow stuff
I've had it up to the neck, I've hadhad way too much
you live off your daddy's cash, I'm going straight for your stash
and I'll be keying your old man's Benz, I've got a plan - but it's just another means to an end
your life is empty, you think you're something buy you're nothing, just another pussy
here I am, I'm living it up, planning a revolution, don't you push me
I can't be tamed, so clear the lane because I'm about to bring the a-game
I'm ready to dunk in your face like Shaquille O'Neal, thats how I feel
come near me with your wallet and I'll teach you how to steal
I'll smash your car windows, slash the tyres and steal your wheels, you corporate whore
bring on the class war
I'm militant like the SLA, bringing injustice to the light, fuck the CIA
I'll be robbing banks in the day, throwing Molotov cocktails at night, see me: I play
I'm wielding a semi-automatic, pointing it just like Patty Hearst
I've got a black book full of tactics, sticking syringes in arms and wielding scalpels, but I aint a nurse
I'm fucking crazy without a doubt, you're situation couldnt get any worse
I'm taking these fascists out, prepare a hearse
I'm the worst apple in the bag, the fucking black sheep, haven't you heard?
when I take all you're money, I'll show my hand, read 'em and weep
handing out your dollars to the people in need,
Robin Hood the only book I read, robbing's good, take from the rich thats what we need, wont stop sowing these seeds, climb upon my faithful steed
fuck corporations! fuck the nation! fuck god's creations! fucking out of patience!
bring on the class war
the threshold of my patience
tolerance waning, anger waxing
follow the leader straight off the cliff
cleanse the earth of gluttonous excess
it's high time for depopulation
blood coursing through prominent veins
tainted with indignation and cream
the blind eye of a lonely syringe
the dull euphoria of a bunt slut
it's a two way relationship
exploitation begets exploitation
heavy metal killing machines
cancerous fumes mixing with oil
painting a picture of petulance
wet bristles made of absolutism
contradictions contradict the truth
analgesics caressing an irate sun
the dilated pupils of the moon
on the nod in noisy contemplation
the idleness of the hyperactive rock
a polystyrene box full of diet donuts
the heftiness of an anorexic oxymoron
kissing the sharp edge of nowhere
the plastic aura of polygamous pots
excessive bucket full of onomatopoeia
she throws caution to the wind
exposing truth to be a blister
reaction to bee stings and honey
the mediocrity of excellence
the random nature of butane refills
sniffing water and drinking methane
poetic nonsense with irrational reasons
calculating the sum of idiocy
word salad with normality on the side
non sequiturs that make perfect sense
the serious nature of regurgitation
on the edge of comic regression
excelling at nothing and everything
a lottery ticket null and void
the triviality of profundity
a conclusion the precedes the climax
nonsense making perfect sense
rigid form and tradition is overrated
Sunday, October 12, 2014
I stick the knife in the bourgeoisie, I'm so crazy that they can't handle me
I'm knocking down walls like a demolition artist, I'm quick, the smartest of the smartest
I'm cool as ice, smooth as the Fonz, spent all day righting wrongs
and I won't stop until I'm exhausted, consumed by renegade forces
it's getting darker hour by hour, we need to take back the power
you think you bring about peace through peace but you can't change the world through you're flower power
we need to take them by surprise, catch them off guard, stick in the knife
they won't see us coming, we'll make them eat their words and their turds
they've been selling us short, we're all caught in a rat race, yes it's absurd
bring on the class war
stop being a whore
I've had enough of your frat boy shit, I'd much rather take another hit
of that sweet sweet downtown stuff because Ive had it up to the neck, had too much
you live off your daddy's cash, but I'm going straight for your stash
and I'll be keying your daddy's Benz, it's just another means to an end
your life is empty, you are nothing, just another pussy
but here I am, I'm living it up, planning a revolution, don't you push me
I can't be tamed so clear the lane because I'm about to bring in my a-game
I'm ready to dunk in your face like Shaquille O'Neal
come near me with your wallet and I'll teach you how to steal
I'll smash your car windows, slash the tyres and steal your wheels
bring on the class war
stop being a whore
I'm militant like the SLA, bringing injustice to the light
I'll be robbing banks in the day, throwing Molotov cocktails at night
I'm wielding a semi-automatic, pointing it just like Patty Hearst
I've got a black book full of tactics, looking after the people like a nurse
I'm fucking crazy without a doubt, you're situation could not get worse
I'm just about to take you out, so you'd better prepare a hearse
I'm the worst apple in the bag, the fucking black sheep
when I take all you're money, you'd better not weep
and I'll be handing it out to people in need
and I won't stop robbing the rich, won't stop sowing the seeds
bring on the class war
stop being a whore
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