Art sucks. Poetry sucks. Everything is fucked. I suck. You suck. So if I am so anti-everything, why do I even bother "creating" anything? Well one has to do something with one's time. Welcome to my playground. I am the Dissident Poetician. Doing Poetician stuff is what i do. "Art is dead, don’t consume its corpse" - graffiti in the streets of Paris, May 68. Long live the spirit of May 68. Piss in the fountain of dada.
About Me

- dissident poetician
- i am the dissident poetician...i tear down fences with sardonic sardines and metaphysical cucumbers
Friday, October 16, 2020
Thursday, September 24, 2020
all the hours now wasted
empty black holes tasted
didn't think I'd make it
even though I just take it
too much for one to fake
all surrounding walls shake
when I fall much further
from gravity's centre
where things don't get better
so I wrote this letter
to make my feelings clear
as the passing of years
put aside all my fears
to bring you this fresh news
didn't want to leave you
hanging without a clue
as to what you should do
about the history
between the two of us
love still a mystery
I can't seem to work out
you are still my Juliet
on fire my heart you set
that's why I get so upset
every time I think of you
all the things that might have been
between the two of us that
never had a chance to be
oh Juliet come back to me
destroy the holy temple
nothing quite so gentle
like flooded sea vessels
caught in a losing battle
where one meets one's maker
who's power could break us
there's so much at stake here
not just words and fake tears
from movers and shakers
who's motives should wake us
to such tragic failures
like karma strikes traitors
no escape from it's grip
we all did what we did
when pressure blew our lids
and we closed our eye lids
to the truth before us
now settled in the dust
when we did what we did
we were only just kids
you are still my Juliet
on fire my heart you set
that's why I get so upset
every time I think of you
all the things that might have been
between the two of us that
never had a chance to be
oh Juliet come back to me
love is more than just a
four letter word for us
to fit a person to
it's what we choose to do
I just can't understand
why you chose what you chose
into harm's way you ran
the emperor wears no clothes
twas all part of God's plan
to divide and conquer
partially driven by
envy of yours truly
love is shown through actions
which speak louder than words
it's deeper than the ocean
the way it unfolds: absurd
one things still remains true
after all is said and done
strong is my love for you
don't you dare choose to run
you are still my Juliet
on fire my heart you set
that's why I get so upset
every time I think of you
all the things that might have been
between the two of us that
never had a chance to be
oh Juliet come back to me
Thursday, July 02, 2020
Monday, June 01, 2020
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Are like a wishing well full of all the tears I've cried
In order to get over how fucked up this world and the people in it are
Nobody wants to step out of line, they just wanna be superstars
In a reality TV show about their boring lives full of mediocrity
But they're so out of touch with reality that they're living in a fantasy
Having kinky sex with with their enemies, not lover or special friend
But in the end it amounts to nothing, just a game of let's pretend
That everything is alright, that there's light in the darkness
But we've lost our minds and decided to jump off a cliff without a harness
On the merry go around
Have been many I found
Then lost again after that
Just like all those feral cats
Why must we march to the tune
Of a boring afternoon
There will a revolt soon
Release those labelled loons
All the crimes they've punished me for me for unjustly
Are like a living hell full of innocent freaks
Condemned from the outset like all witches burnt at the stake
It's time now how to reflect on how we miss out on cake
When doing hard time inside stuck with all your mates
Tossed aside and stripped of pride for making mistakes
Some of which were done out of sheer desperation
Life's no so much fun under regimentation
A prison system within a racist nation
Backward punishment train fines for poor and homeless
All these attacks on the poor obscene and senseless
Hear the siren screech on time
Designed to control the mind
The do it over again
There's no valid half defense
For such inhumane treatment
Of our fellow humans
Race to the darkest bottom.
The whole system is rotten
Thursday, April 30, 2020
fuck it don't delay stick it to the man in his ivory tower
mates taking more than they should steal the queen's crown
the water snake ran away from justice hiding behind the powers that be
the useless coward shitting all over those who were once his friends
what a mistake the gutless fool made snitched one time too plenty
not wasting another hour so hate him why not i don't pretend
that i could have the least bit of mercy on the spineless snitch
me the crazy gung ho cowboy vigilante who dishes out meals
so frozen that i use iced tea time to key posh cars and rob the rich
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
We can be certain of very few things in the confusing journey of life
Except that each and every passing moment will be long gone
While glimpses of happy and sublime times, pain and darkness
Remain in the neural pathways of our burning, overclocked brains
Time does not wait around for the indolent to take action
Nor does it take mercy on those who repeat the same history through and through
The fate of the fool who does the same thing over and over again
And waits around complacently expecting a totally different result
As a drifter who has wasted half his life running to the same dead ends
I implore every one of us to make the most of each and every day
For each moment could very well be your very last in this realm of purgatory
Yes time waits for nobody and it can sweep you aside effortlessly
If you allow it to tick on over without putting in your very best effort
And before you know it most of your life has gone past in a blurry flash
As painful memories and failures past and present torment you each and every day
This is a reflection on a life only half lived at the best of times
The same old sad story playing on loop like a broken record
But if you were to scratch the surface like a skilled turntabalist does
You may begin to see the infinite possibilities which life itself offers
And actually create that which the heart desires and the mind conceives of
As you live each and every moment to the edge of the boundary of full
And not lay to waste all the potential you always held in your hands
From day one in the ground zero that was once the wreckage of your life
So waste not another moment while you are still alive and kicking
And heed the advice of one of time's most highly skilled assassins
Don't allow the ghosts of past defeats to haunt you and drag you down into oblivion
Or before you know it you find yourself drowning in a sea of despair and resignation
To all that you cannot retrieve from the ashes of yesterday's failures
For half a lifetime can go by in the blink of an eye out for an eye
Let go of all fear, self-loathing and hatred for your enemies as best that you can
For life is too short for one to be caught up in these roadblocks to time well spent
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
as seeds of karma have grown her bubbles are blown at the mouth of hoover dam
i only inhale one more cone in this change of perspective i have been so kindly shown
was that but a drone do you want to live in a world where all your chances have been blown
in a world so cold even warm hearts melt due to a tightening of the belt around the waist
these are the darkest feelings i've felt my cards layed upon the shelf's bitter taste
on the other side of the razor wire evil forces conspire to keep us in our lowly place
stripped of all one's pride our lot is screws calling the shots erasing our face
spreading yet more lies see me as a stereotype my humanity they simply choose to erase
no matter how i've tried to put up a fight pricks control my plight with disdain
some sly fuck stole the sunshine from under my rug
i should have told him to fuck right off
when the red flags appeared i'm such a mug
i can't ever recover all that time i lost
one hour two hours three hours make you the epitome of sour four more times sixty seconds
the power weak cower on the outer in a dower struggle with more roots than the husband
this is time martyr crimes not committed out of line raw aggro shouting nonsense
was the worst not the the first got an insatiable thirst for volume at maximum
eleven months on the run so much fun basking in the sun awesome bros appear by accident
synchronicity rich snobs get rich come watch them snitch and be all nonchalant
stingy fucks only suck cocks for crack off the beaten track none of them have a sense
of what it's like to have rice really nice the priceless advice delivered with full pretence
one i hate not too late to seal his fate bum try-hard rich boy with no substance
count the days on the way to make him pay run all those days he can in fear of violence
some sly fuck stole the sunshine from under my rug
i should have told him to fuck right off
when the red flags appeared i'm such a mug
i can't ever recover all that time i lost
i will continue my propensity to engage in scare tactics and property damage
the only way for me to express outrage at the entire one-sided fucking package
of an unjust criminal justice system that incarcerates too many times on average the savage
men who breach court imposed orders by sending an SMS or making civil telephone calls
the book well and truly thrown my way to displace the calm for what harm can a torrent of H/2/O cause
they couldn't fault me without lies to my face in a day in which someone wished me dead
for one needs a photographic memory to keep track of what one has and hasn't said
liars so obscene like a junkie fiend committing burglary, my sentence a travesty
miscarriage of justice in a fucked up system which only listens to one's perceived enemies
snitches get sticthes cadaver in a cistern without me having to expend too much energy
some sly fuck stole the sunshine from under my rug
i should have told him to fuck right off
when the red flags appeared i'm such a mug
i can't ever recover all that time i lost