Automatons at the train station, fuck the system, we're victims of indoctrination
Taught to be nothing at all, made to feel lame and small,
Ready to fall, aimless goals, FUCK THIS, I'm not gonna take it anymore,
I'm a fearless warrior here to chop shit, masked anarchist
There's so much waste generated from this rat race, we act with haste, quick thinkers, relentless
Perpetuating this cycle through lifestyle, it's endless
Fuck these consumerist whores, I rob stores, most people wouldn't steal a pen lid, pussies
The level of my indignation is beyond the depths of your imagination, don't push me
Many obstacles we're facin', people dying for no good reason, would you commit treason?
Wake up, the nation doesn't give a fuck abut us, stop sleeping, time to strip off the rust, stop appeasing
Our evolving conciousness seems to be repeating, media force feeding us lies, bullshit we're eating
Try info before you buy, question authority, be critical, cynical, ask why, stop competing
You worry about your lack of status, making money matters
Don't tell me about your first world problems, 'cause I've fucking had it
Everything you've got's been handed to you on a silver platter
They don't need to burn books, nobody reads them anyway,
They'd rather play with their smart phones, it's the modern way
Next level bullshit, everything simplified
We stand in the corner petrified, we could be taking flight
Our apathy and inaction keeps the contracts alive and moving, Halliburton reconstructing and producing
New buildings upon rubble, roads paved in oil, radioactive soil
History will keeps repeating, crimes against humanity with Uncle Sam at the helm, extuingishing light - a dark realm
War is good for the economy, there's blood in the well
Stop whinging about your lifes monotomy kid, cheer up, go buy the products they sell
You've had a taste of happiness, times up, recoil, back to the shell,
You worry about your lack of status, making money matters
Don't tell me about your first world problems, 'cause I've fucking had it
Everything you've got's been handed to you on a silver platter
Existence can be challenging for you and for me and all the people in between
Resistance is not an option, it's a necessity if we want to be free
The people have had enough, pitch battles on the street, its us versus police
The way we treat each other defies belief, the cruelty of the planet, the lunacy, the seeds of greed
Most couldn't give a fuck about the plight, lack of passion, pussies, action reaction, collateral damage
We're all slaves to the latest fashions, full of hatred and apathy, not compassion, donate to charity dammit
Bad habits, too-fatted livers in a state of cirrhosis
Lost our minds, we stand in the cold half-naked, like a meth junkie in the grips of psychosis
Dead inside, we've lost sight of the bigger picture, forgotten our planet has a future,
murder one another in the name of freedom, patriotic fools with
Super troopers, harbingers of death, super computers
We are a canerous growth, we've grown fat
Farming life, draining other species, we're parasites
Latched onto hosts, pests, ecoterrorists
We'll take from this planet until there's nothing left
Top of the food chain, it's a jungle we're living in
Horns are cut off live Rhinos for a placebo medicine
Tigers penis chopped off to give the dysfunctional erections
Sharks get fins torn off with knifes then left to bleed in the ocean 'til they surface, they don't survive
Float up at the end of their lives, they've served their purpose They're served on tables, blood on ladel
fin soup, many restaurants serve this food, ask the waiter about this
They got a bowl for you, a traditional delicacy, cheap cheap too
Culture of killers, morality tossed, collapsed roof, no pillars Tigers tooth on a chain, oil poured on chimp brain
Chicken in a small cage, cows strung up, crying as they rotate Carnivorous appetite, we've got a sharp blade
Art sucks. Poetry sucks. Everything is fucked. I suck. You suck. So if I am so anti-everything, why do I even bother "creating" anything? Well one has to do something with one's time. Welcome to my playground. I am the Dissident Poetician. Doing Poetician stuff is what i do. "Art is dead, don’t consume its corpse" - graffiti in the streets of Paris, May 68. Long live the spirit of May 68. Piss in the fountain of dada.
About Me

- dissident poetician
- i am the dissident poetician...i tear down fences with sardonic sardines and metaphysical cucumbers
Friday, February 27, 2015
Monday, February 09, 2015
Used up and abused, arse glued to the seat, playing with a mouse, clicking, clicking, time's ticking
Deadly rhythm, nothing inside, slave to the system, tentacles spreading far and wide
Work hard all day, a source of pride, easier to obey than ask questions, don't step out of line
Total devotion, honour in loyalty, soon you'll get a promotion, start earning big money
Every day repeats, enter, greet all the people you hate, ready to concede defeat, then get in line and wait
Go home to your abode, furnished by Ikea, TV dinner all alone, switch off your mind, repress the fear
Back to the cubicle, greeted by post-it notes and family pictures, hope hanging by a rope, the whip will fix ya
You give them you're time for a fee, think you're valued, but you're disposable just like a latex glove
Another cog in an assembly line as long the the dole queue, they don't need you, soon you'll be sleeping rough
A hard slog in the middle, putting up with a suck-hole weasel, but you're not feeble, no, you've finally had enough
Swinging it to the deadly rhythm of the production line
Singing happy songs as you wait on tool instruction time
Dancing up a storm as you count that swear jar full of dimes
You're going nowhere fast at all but you simply don't mind
Because you're swinging it to the deadly rhythm of the production line
Yes, you're swinging it to the deadly rhythm of the production line
All the spectacles we be perceiving, dancing in a conga-line to the lies we be receiving, convicts start pleading
All the obstacles they be creating, alienation comes in many forms, check out the new sensations
Consumption is where it's at, do your bit for the economy, have another hit, be a good citizen
So many pairs to choose from, how will you decide which shoes to buy? make the transaction, feel good inside
The more you spend, the greater the rewards, you'll be in the running for the 'consumer of the year' award
Work, consume, repeat, spend, resume, pause, another shopping feat, spend up big, it's for a good cause
Wake up to Koshy, he's the expert, what's happening to all the money? What's the state of the financial market?
This is the good life, there's never a dull moment, your share prices on the rise, check out the dividends
Back to Ikea, ready to spend, on the look out for new ideas, that accessory is nice, show it to all your friends
Worked hard for your money, content to follow trends, free to spend it on anything you please, it was worth it in the end
Swinging it to the deadly rhythm of the production line
Singing happy songs as you wait on tool instruction time
Dancing up a storm as you count that swear jar full of dimes
You're going nowhere fast at all but you simply don't mind
Because you're swinging it to the deadly rhythm of the production line
Yes, you're swinging it to the deadly rhythm of the production line
You think you're free to sell your body in exchange for security, an iPhone and a brand new giant plasma screen TV
But the Party and the company don't give a fuck about you, you're just another tool, following their rules
They are your enemy and they deal in the business of exploitation and slavery, you're not free, can't you see?
Weighed down by shackles and chains, just like your days at school, playing little games, compete with every other fool
You spin hours into nothing, ticking off all the KPIs, promotion is not forthcoming, you start to wonder why
You've devoted years to the cause, but you've been overlooked again, where's your reward? why even bother, why try?
Each workplace, it's the same, sycophants get all the breaks, they play the game right, do whatever it takes
Always on the attack, they don't care how many toes they have to tread on, they go places by stabbing their foes in the back
You never had what it takes to get ahead, not callous enough, all your hopes now dead, you're so jealous
Your boss expects you to suck his phallus, just like a harlot, you succumb again, as you edge closer to madness
Swinging it to the deadly rhythm of the production line
Singing happy songs as you wait on tool instruction time
Dancing up a storm as you count that swear jar full of dimes
You're going nowhere fast at all but you simply don't mind
Because you're swinging it to the deadly rhythm of the production line
Yes, you're swinging it to the deadly rhythm of the production line
Sunday, February 01, 2015
I'm the king of the road, four wheel drive with a tow bar, check out my new car, gonna go far
All the seeds I've sown are starting to grow, got a job in the mines, salt on my chips all the time
I'm doing just fine, like a mature bottle of wine, my life's sublime, no need to commit crime
I've walked the straight line, all the way to the bank, it's Gina I gotta thank for making me rich
I spend all my money at once, forget about the rainy day, it's not just a phase, I've really got it made
I love to spread honey on my toast, I'm not one to boast or to gloat, but check out my new boat
I'll always stay afloat with my remote in one hand, picking all the porn channels on my Foxtel subcription
Sports mania on the weekends, but I just can't concentrate, so I elevate my mind with dexies I've got on presciption
You may think I'm just another bogan but I'm no fool, I've got my foot in the share market, wheeling and dealing
You may think that I'm jokin' but I know what I'm doin', I've set my target and it starts at millions
I've got shoulder blades as large as a massive piece of rump steak
When the boys invade the pitch, we do it like we've got it made
We'll all be getting laid, we're rich you see, check out the personalised license plates
On my new big boy's toy, my souped up V8 ute, to carry all the loot
Reward for all my efforts, some people just don't get it, but I do
Yes, I get plenty of pussy, welcome to my night time playground of glory
This must go on forever, the well never dries up like abandoned doggie poo
I'm the king of the road, if you get on my wrong side, you'll be sorry
Look over the fence and see my neigbour's pool, I shall get one too some day, just gotta keep being a tool
Soon I'll be the fattest cat on the block, with golden statues behind the locks, the neighbours will be jealous
I'll be rolling in a Benz and strutting around with a pimp cane adorned with gold chains and expensive jewels
Yes, I'm stuck in the rat race, but I don't mind, a golden clock shall tell me the time, I could care less
But I'll still hang on to my ute, it impresses the chicks, it's hard and robust just like my monster dick
I'm a refined man, a player, I like to wear Tommy Hilfiger and dabble with moisturiser, gotta keep myself lookin' sexy
I'll learn to play the flute or maybe the violin, so I can come across as cultured, no just another typical bloke
But wait a minute, classical music is for poofs, and there's no cure for it, best stick to driving my boat
On the weekends I will live it up, drinking champagne and eating caviar, no wait again, that's for poofs
In the end, I'm just another blokey bloke, I don't like vegetables, only meat, won't see me at the next doof
I've got shoulder blades as large as a massive piece of rump steak
When the boys invade the pitch, we do it like we've got it made
We'll all be getting laid, we're rich you see, check out the personalised license plates
On my new big boy's toy, my souped up V8 ute, to carry all the loot
Reward for all my efforts, some people just don't get it, but I do
Yes, I get plenty of pussy, welcome to my night time playground of glory
This must go on forever, the well never dries up like abandoned doggie poo
I'm the king of the road, if you get on my wrong side, you'll be sorry
Being me is not easy, it's difficult to be this sexy, all those hours spent pumping iron with steroids in my system
Need to look good for hitting the clubs you see, I like to get down and boogie, even though when I dance I've go no rhythm
I'm sure to get laid, just gotta remember all my pick up lines, who could resist my charm and this hot body,
I'm rolling in cash, wanna check out my stash? They'll be throwing themselves at me, who wouldn't want a man as sexy as me
When i get my trophy wife in the bag, my picture perfect barbie doll, I'll be the envy of all my friends, they'll be so dirty
Not just some ugly scrag, but a hot looking model, we'll make plenty of raunchy love, I'll stick it to all my enemies
The future is looking good, I've done everything I should, the world is my oyster and it's only gonna get better
I've got my mind on track, there's no going back, I'm a animal on the attack, getting rich is all that matters
It's been a difficult journey, I've walked for miles and miles, all the perks haven't come cheaply, hard work and sweat aplenty,
When I finally make it, I will celebrate in style, hold an extravagent party, rub shoulders with high society
I've got shoulder blades as large as a massive piece of rump steak
When the boys invade the pitch, we do it like we've got it made
We'll all be getting laid, we're rich you see, check out the personalised license plates
On my new big boy's toy, my souped up V8 ute, to carry all the loot
Reward for all my efforts, some people just don't get it, but I do
Yes, I get plenty of pussy, welcome to my night time playground of glory
This must go on forever, the well never dries up like abandoned doggie poo
I'm the king of the road, if you get on my wrong side, you'll be sorry
All the seeds I've sown are starting to grow, got a job in the mines, salt on my chips all the time
I'm doing just fine, like a mature bottle of wine, my life's sublime, no need to commit crime
I've walked the straight line, all the way to the bank, it's Gina I gotta thank for making me rich
I spend all my money at once, forget about the rainy day, it's not just a phase, I've really got it made
I love to spread honey on my toast, I'm not one to boast or to gloat, but check out my new boat
I'll always stay afloat with my remote in one hand, picking all the porn channels on my Foxtel subcription
Sports mania on the weekends, but I just can't concentrate, so I elevate my mind with dexies I've got on presciption
You may think I'm just another bogan but I'm no fool, I've got my foot in the share market, wheeling and dealing
You may think that I'm jokin' but I know what I'm doin', I've set my target and it starts at millions
I've got shoulder blades as large as a massive piece of rump steak
When the boys invade the pitch, we do it like we've got it made
We'll all be getting laid, we're rich you see, check out the personalised license plates
On my new big boy's toy, my souped up V8 ute, to carry all the loot
Reward for all my efforts, some people just don't get it, but I do
Yes, I get plenty of pussy, welcome to my night time playground of glory
This must go on forever, the well never dries up like abandoned doggie poo
I'm the king of the road, if you get on my wrong side, you'll be sorry
Look over the fence and see my neigbour's pool, I shall get one too some day, just gotta keep being a tool
Soon I'll be the fattest cat on the block, with golden statues behind the locks, the neighbours will be jealous
I'll be rolling in a Benz and strutting around with a pimp cane adorned with gold chains and expensive jewels
Yes, I'm stuck in the rat race, but I don't mind, a golden clock shall tell me the time, I could care less
But I'll still hang on to my ute, it impresses the chicks, it's hard and robust just like my monster dick
I'm a refined man, a player, I like to wear Tommy Hilfiger and dabble with moisturiser, gotta keep myself lookin' sexy
I'll learn to play the flute or maybe the violin, so I can come across as cultured, no just another typical bloke
But wait a minute, classical music is for poofs, and there's no cure for it, best stick to driving my boat
On the weekends I will live it up, drinking champagne and eating caviar, no wait again, that's for poofs
In the end, I'm just another blokey bloke, I don't like vegetables, only meat, won't see me at the next doof
I've got shoulder blades as large as a massive piece of rump steak
When the boys invade the pitch, we do it like we've got it made
We'll all be getting laid, we're rich you see, check out the personalised license plates
On my new big boy's toy, my souped up V8 ute, to carry all the loot
Reward for all my efforts, some people just don't get it, but I do
Yes, I get plenty of pussy, welcome to my night time playground of glory
This must go on forever, the well never dries up like abandoned doggie poo
I'm the king of the road, if you get on my wrong side, you'll be sorry
Being me is not easy, it's difficult to be this sexy, all those hours spent pumping iron with steroids in my system
Need to look good for hitting the clubs you see, I like to get down and boogie, even though when I dance I've go no rhythm
I'm sure to get laid, just gotta remember all my pick up lines, who could resist my charm and this hot body,
I'm rolling in cash, wanna check out my stash? They'll be throwing themselves at me, who wouldn't want a man as sexy as me
When i get my trophy wife in the bag, my picture perfect barbie doll, I'll be the envy of all my friends, they'll be so dirty
Not just some ugly scrag, but a hot looking model, we'll make plenty of raunchy love, I'll stick it to all my enemies
The future is looking good, I've done everything I should, the world is my oyster and it's only gonna get better
I've got my mind on track, there's no going back, I'm a animal on the attack, getting rich is all that matters
It's been a difficult journey, I've walked for miles and miles, all the perks haven't come cheaply, hard work and sweat aplenty,
When I finally make it, I will celebrate in style, hold an extravagent party, rub shoulders with high society
I've got shoulder blades as large as a massive piece of rump steak
When the boys invade the pitch, we do it like we've got it made
We'll all be getting laid, we're rich you see, check out the personalised license plates
On my new big boy's toy, my souped up V8 ute, to carry all the loot
Reward for all my efforts, some people just don't get it, but I do
Yes, I get plenty of pussy, welcome to my night time playground of glory
This must go on forever, the well never dries up like abandoned doggie poo
I'm the king of the road, if you get on my wrong side, you'll be sorry
I'm always on the go, star in my own show, a black and white classic
I'm here to be seen, someone's watching the screen, my life is special like magic
They watch my every move like I was a suspicious youth, see me, I'm a movie star
I'm ready to get loose like a rotten tooth, yes, I'm gonna go far like a rally car
I don't care about privacy or civil liberties, just as long as I'm on the TV
Caught on surveillance, CCTV, they'll always see me, yes, I'm free indeed
It's not a police state, free to do as I please, as long as I don't step out of line
It's hard to get away with anything these days, just like a hooker from STDs, no future in crime
So it's better to conform and perform, do it for all my fans, walk in a straight line
Follow all the rules and norms, don't jay walk, be a good citizen, let them control my mind
From the streets to the suburbs,
From the sub to the tweet,
From my dreams to my lover
They'll be watching me,
Eyes glued to the screen,
My endeavours fatigue.
Better not smoke in the city, or piss on the street, don't wanna risk being fined
An object of pity, the hobo who begs for money, hungry all of the time, not my problem
Creature of the night, the passive consumer type, got products on my mind, such seduction
Blinded by neon lights, tits and arse in my line of sight, I don't mind waiting in line
I love boxing day sales, stampede in the shopping mall, who cares if someone gets hurt?
Got many a tale to share about bargains I fought hard for, savings that I deserve
Go home with shopping bags in hand, happy as a spoilt child, I've got it made, the stickers never fade
I'm such a satisfied man, been running for a mile, coming first in the rat race
I know that I've done well, the evidence speaks for itself, check out the smile on my face
I'm dirt wealthy, can't you tell? Gold ornaments of the shelf, please remind me just in case
From the streets to the suburbs,
From the sub to the tweet,
From my dreams to my lover
They'll be watching me,
Eyes glued to the screen,
My endeavours fatigue.
When I walk the mean streets, nothing is of concern to me, as long as I have money I'm free to do as I please
Let me tell you all about my amazing shopping feats, the time I got a perfume sample for free, made me feel so sexy
The shopping mall is my stomping ground, the place where happiness is to be found, no need to frown
I'm so high this time around, like an ant at the top of the mound, there's no coming down, man about town
Everything that can be bought, I've purchased before in all the up-market stores, no stopping this trooper
And I'll keep going back for more, I admit it, I'm a consumer whore, my reputation is super-duper
I pose for all the security cameras, with all my goodies in hand, I wonder who is watching me pay at the counter?
They know that I'm a superstar, ordinary people just don't understand the pressure that I'm constantly under
Paparrazi waiting at the front door of the store, ready to take another snap of me, I don't mind the least bit
It takes much effort to be me, but I'm hungry for more, just like a junkie for the substance in his fit
So much pressure to perform, I keep the show rolling, hunting for the newest fashions with plastic cards in hand
It's the reason why I was born, I just can't stop shopping, it's my greatest passion, do it for my fans
From the streets to the suburbs,
From the sub to the tweet,
From my dreams to my lover
They'll be watching me,
Eyes glued to the screen,
My endeavours fatigue.
I'm here to be seen, someone's watching the screen, my life is special like magic
They watch my every move like I was a suspicious youth, see me, I'm a movie star
I'm ready to get loose like a rotten tooth, yes, I'm gonna go far like a rally car
I don't care about privacy or civil liberties, just as long as I'm on the TV
Caught on surveillance, CCTV, they'll always see me, yes, I'm free indeed
It's not a police state, free to do as I please, as long as I don't step out of line
It's hard to get away with anything these days, just like a hooker from STDs, no future in crime
So it's better to conform and perform, do it for all my fans, walk in a straight line
Follow all the rules and norms, don't jay walk, be a good citizen, let them control my mind
From the streets to the suburbs,
From the sub to the tweet,
From my dreams to my lover
They'll be watching me,
Eyes glued to the screen,
My endeavours fatigue.
Better not smoke in the city, or piss on the street, don't wanna risk being fined
An object of pity, the hobo who begs for money, hungry all of the time, not my problem
Creature of the night, the passive consumer type, got products on my mind, such seduction
Blinded by neon lights, tits and arse in my line of sight, I don't mind waiting in line
I love boxing day sales, stampede in the shopping mall, who cares if someone gets hurt?
Got many a tale to share about bargains I fought hard for, savings that I deserve
Go home with shopping bags in hand, happy as a spoilt child, I've got it made, the stickers never fade
I'm such a satisfied man, been running for a mile, coming first in the rat race
I know that I've done well, the evidence speaks for itself, check out the smile on my face
I'm dirt wealthy, can't you tell? Gold ornaments of the shelf, please remind me just in case
From the streets to the suburbs,
From the sub to the tweet,
From my dreams to my lover
They'll be watching me,
Eyes glued to the screen,
My endeavours fatigue.
When I walk the mean streets, nothing is of concern to me, as long as I have money I'm free to do as I please
Let me tell you all about my amazing shopping feats, the time I got a perfume sample for free, made me feel so sexy
The shopping mall is my stomping ground, the place where happiness is to be found, no need to frown
I'm so high this time around, like an ant at the top of the mound, there's no coming down, man about town
Everything that can be bought, I've purchased before in all the up-market stores, no stopping this trooper
And I'll keep going back for more, I admit it, I'm a consumer whore, my reputation is super-duper
I pose for all the security cameras, with all my goodies in hand, I wonder who is watching me pay at the counter?
They know that I'm a superstar, ordinary people just don't understand the pressure that I'm constantly under
Paparrazi waiting at the front door of the store, ready to take another snap of me, I don't mind the least bit
It takes much effort to be me, but I'm hungry for more, just like a junkie for the substance in his fit
So much pressure to perform, I keep the show rolling, hunting for the newest fashions with plastic cards in hand
It's the reason why I was born, I just can't stop shopping, it's my greatest passion, do it for my fans
From the streets to the suburbs,
From the sub to the tweet,
From my dreams to my lover
They'll be watching me,
Eyes glued to the screen,
My endeavours fatigue.
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