Art sucks. Poetry sucks. Everything is fucked. I suck. You suck. So if I am so anti-everything, why do I even bother "creating" anything? Well one has to do something with one's time. Welcome to my playground. I am the Dissident Poetician. Doing Poetician stuff is what i do. "Art is dead, don’t consume its corpse" - graffiti in the streets of Paris, May 68. Long live the spirit of May 68. Piss in the fountain of dada.
About Me

- dissident poetician
- i am the dissident poetician...i tear down fences with sardonic sardines and metaphysical cucumbers
Sunday, December 28, 2014
Gina the Hut
spare me from oblivion
a lifetime full of false promises
manifests into the homicidal tendencies
we do well to repress
give me a fucking gun
and I would take Gina out
such a gluttonous piece of shit
who deserves to rot among her money
her coal burning incessantly
producing toxic emissions
what price does she put on coal?
she doesn't care about future generations
somebody please give me a gun
violence solves everything
but satire is as futile
as an alcoholic trying to have
only a drink or two
my indignation is beyond
the limits of your imagination
please pass me the syringe or the bong
I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired
living in this world makes me sick
I've got an addictive personality, self control is a fallacy
It seems I'm my own worst enemy, I think I'm about to go crazy
If I already wasn't from the start, maybe I'm just too smart
For this world, have too much of a heart, as I fire darts
Into the mainframe of the system, yes, I hate the authorities
I'm still searching for wisdom, still fighting against gravity
The rebel inside of me will not bow down, I won't accept defeat
The devil rules the earth, metaphorically speaking, there's no retreat
From the greed of the fat cats, who may as well wear a top hat
They control our lives, keep us running in circles like rats
There's a monkey on my back who keeps me doing that
He's on the prowl, ready to attack: an axe in the fucking back
There's a monkey on my back who's hiding in my flat
He's sitting on my lap, about to snap and we wouldn't want that
I've been walking down the winding path of self-destruction
I'm headed for a twisted destination, I can't find any satisfaction
If only I wasn't plagued by inaction, a refusal to change my sorry ways
I'm can't seem to find any traction, sick of wasting away the days
Tomorrow is a new beginning, I must keep on reminding myself of this
I must not follow the monkey into temptation, it's only a false bliss
Fuck the system and fuck these self-indulgent vices, time to break free
There is wisdom in a life of excess, it builds resilience inside of me
I must stop living out a fantasy, stop believing there are no consequences
Time to knock down walls with a bulldozer, to tear down some fences
There's a monkey on my back who keeps me doing that
He's on the prowl, ready to attack: an axe in the fucking back
There's a monkey on my back who's hiding in my flat
He's sitting on my lap, about to snap and we wouldn't want that
There is still hope for me yet, if only I could escape the monkey's grip
I'm beholden like a pet to its master, feels like I've been caught in a rip
I may as well go back to prison, there is no escaping from this nightmare
This is the darkest of seasons, sometimes it feels like I'm going nowhere
But there is always a silver lining after the rain, I must keep the faith
Life is full of pain and sorrow, but there's always tomorrow, I won't sit by and wait
Time to be proactive, escape from sleepy hollow, remove the gaffa tape
Go to the library, there are books to borrowed and a debt to be paid
Nobody escapes this world unscathed, it's a sick sad world full of violence
No wonder I'm so jaded and do the things I do, I refuse to remain silent
There's a monkey on my back who keeps me doing that
He's on the prowl, ready to attack: an axe in the fucking back
There's a monkey on my back who's hiding in my flat
He's sitting on my lap, about to snap and we wouldn't want that
It seems I'm my own worst enemy, I think I'm about to go crazy
If I already wasn't from the start, maybe I'm just too smart
For this world, have too much of a heart, as I fire darts
Into the mainframe of the system, yes, I hate the authorities
I'm still searching for wisdom, still fighting against gravity
The rebel inside of me will not bow down, I won't accept defeat
The devil rules the earth, metaphorically speaking, there's no retreat
From the greed of the fat cats, who may as well wear a top hat
They control our lives, keep us running in circles like rats
There's a monkey on my back who keeps me doing that
He's on the prowl, ready to attack: an axe in the fucking back
There's a monkey on my back who's hiding in my flat
He's sitting on my lap, about to snap and we wouldn't want that
I've been walking down the winding path of self-destruction
I'm headed for a twisted destination, I can't find any satisfaction
If only I wasn't plagued by inaction, a refusal to change my sorry ways
I'm can't seem to find any traction, sick of wasting away the days
Tomorrow is a new beginning, I must keep on reminding myself of this
I must not follow the monkey into temptation, it's only a false bliss
Fuck the system and fuck these self-indulgent vices, time to break free
There is wisdom in a life of excess, it builds resilience inside of me
I must stop living out a fantasy, stop believing there are no consequences
Time to knock down walls with a bulldozer, to tear down some fences
There's a monkey on my back who keeps me doing that
He's on the prowl, ready to attack: an axe in the fucking back
There's a monkey on my back who's hiding in my flat
He's sitting on my lap, about to snap and we wouldn't want that
There is still hope for me yet, if only I could escape the monkey's grip
I'm beholden like a pet to its master, feels like I've been caught in a rip
I may as well go back to prison, there is no escaping from this nightmare
This is the darkest of seasons, sometimes it feels like I'm going nowhere
But there is always a silver lining after the rain, I must keep the faith
Life is full of pain and sorrow, but there's always tomorrow, I won't sit by and wait
Time to be proactive, escape from sleepy hollow, remove the gaffa tape
Go to the library, there are books to borrowed and a debt to be paid
Nobody escapes this world unscathed, it's a sick sad world full of violence
No wonder I'm so jaded and do the things I do, I refuse to remain silent
There's a monkey on my back who keeps me doing that
He's on the prowl, ready to attack: an axe in the fucking back
There's a monkey on my back who's hiding in my flat
He's sitting on my lap, about to snap and we wouldn't want that
What do normal people do? I wish to hell that I knew
All the chemicals I ingest to excess, I need to give it a rest
The new year is the test, I will try my very best
To resist and desist, all the reality I've missed
Conviction comes from within, but I don't know where to begin
I been playing a game of roulette that nobody can win
Each day is the same, I've got a trunk full of shame
The road is headed for a desolate destination
If I persist in walking in this dangerous direction
It's a simple matter of mathematics and deduction
They say nice guys finish last, it's been the story of my past
It's little wonder I've head down this path of self destruction
Another blast from the past, I can't find any satisfaction
These sensations never last, it's a matter empirical reduction
Where do normal people go, I've got nothing to show
For all of my efforts, my life is like a desert - barren
I can't decide what to do with myself, too many books upon the shelf
So many lies fed to us by the fascist authorities
It's little wonder I try to escape, to preserve my sanity
I'd like to take some politician's out, that's my fantasy
You simply can't comprehend the indignation inside of me
I'll admit it, I'm an addict, give me anything and I'll take it
This self-abuse defies all logic, when I'm stoned I don't fake it
There's are dead bodies in my attic, when will I finally make it?
They say nice guys finish last, it's been the story of my past
It's little wonder I've head down this path of self destruction
Another blast from the past, I can't find any satisfaction
These sensations never last, it's a matter empirical reduction
Do normal people feel at all, or have they put up high walls
Too busy hanging out in shopping malls, they don't care about truth any more
The horrific violence on the screen is met with ambivalence and moral silence
All they care about is to be seen wearing the latest fashions, their reliance...
On superficiality is insufferable for me and makes me bitter and angry
Why can't they see that they are all characters in a silent movie
Called CCTV every time they go into the city, they will never be free
They are unaware of their real enemies, believe them to be you and me
Without the faculty of critical thinking, they succumb to the logic of competition
As they keep on consuming what they don't need and looking for new sensations
They say nice guys finish last, it's been the story of my past
It's little wonder I've head down this path of self destruction
Another blast from the past, I can't find any satisfaction
These sensations never last, it's a matter empirical reduction
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Fuck the corrupt system, automatons at the train station, we're all victims of indoctrination
Taught to be nothing at all, made to feel lame and small, unaware of social relations
But we're not gonna take it anymore, time to put on our thinking hats, stop being bats
Yes, we're better than that, fearless warriors to be exact, and that's a fact
There's so much waste, relentless rat race, we drop bombs and dump so much food
We're all consumerist whores, thinking about their fucked up wars puts me in a foul mood
The level of my indignation is beyond the depths of your imagination
Many obstacles we're facin', people dying for no good reason, let's all commit treason
Because the nation doesn't give a fuck abut us, time to strip off the rust
We wake up to Koshy every morning, buy all the products they advertise, while children die
We need to open our eyes, see through their lies, start to ask ourselves why
Don't tell me about your first world problems, I've just about had it
The military-industrial complex, perpetual war for the sake of profit
You worry about your lack of status, making money is all that matters
Wait until you get stabbed in the back and all your dreams are shattered
Everything we know is up for sale, we're all prostitutes, can't you see?
Fuck the powers that be, that control you and me, it's time to break free
They don't need to ban books, nobody reads them anyway, they'd rather play
With their smart phones, watch rubbish on television, it's the modern way
Everything simplified and sanitised, must decide which four wheel drive to buy
We stand in the corner petrified, when we could be taking flight, the end is nigh
Our apathy and inaction keeps the contracts alive and moving, Halliburton reconstructing
New buildings upon rubble, the road paved in oil, the aftermath of mass bombing
History keeps repeating with Uncle Sam at the helm, crimes against humanity
War is good for the economy, there's blood in the well, the pinnacle of anarchy
Next time you feel like whinging, spare a thought for the innocents blown to smithereens
By the bombs of Obama and other war pig cretins, squeaky clean like Mr Sheen
Don't tell me about your first world problems, I've just about had it
The military-industrial complex, perpetual war for the sake of profit
You worry about your lack of status, making money is all that matters
Wait until you get stabbed in the back and all your dreams are shattered
Everything we know is up for sale, we're all prostitutes, can't you see?
Fuck the powers that be, that control you and me, it's time to break free
Existence can be challenging for you and for me and all the people in between
Resistance is not an option, it's a necessity if we want to be free, can't you see?
The people have had enough, pitch battles on the street, it's us versus the police
The way we treat each other defies belief, the cruelty, the seeds of greed
Nobody gives a fuck about the plight of the planet, lack of passion, action reaction
We're but slaves to the latest fashions, full of hatred and apathy, not compassion
Let's desecrate that which is scared, our too-fatted livers in a state of cirrhosis
Lost our minds, we stand in the cold half-naked like a meth junkie in the grips of psychosis
Dead inside, we've lost sight of the bigger picture, forget all about the planet's future
It's raining outside as we murder one another in the name of freedom, our species is a failure
Don't tell me about your first world problems, I've just about had it
The military-industrial complex, perpetual war for the sake of profit
You worry about your lack of status, making money is all that matters
Wait until you get stabbed in the back and all your dreams are shattered
Everything we know is up for sale, we're all prostitutes, can't you see?
Fuck the powers that be, that control you and me, it's time to break free
Taught to be nothing at all, made to feel lame and small, unaware of social relations
But we're not gonna take it anymore, time to put on our thinking hats, stop being bats
Yes, we're better than that, fearless warriors to be exact, and that's a fact
There's so much waste, relentless rat race, we drop bombs and dump so much food
We're all consumerist whores, thinking about their fucked up wars puts me in a foul mood
The level of my indignation is beyond the depths of your imagination
Many obstacles we're facin', people dying for no good reason, let's all commit treason
Because the nation doesn't give a fuck abut us, time to strip off the rust
We wake up to Koshy every morning, buy all the products they advertise, while children die
We need to open our eyes, see through their lies, start to ask ourselves why
Don't tell me about your first world problems, I've just about had it
The military-industrial complex, perpetual war for the sake of profit
You worry about your lack of status, making money is all that matters
Wait until you get stabbed in the back and all your dreams are shattered
Everything we know is up for sale, we're all prostitutes, can't you see?
Fuck the powers that be, that control you and me, it's time to break free
They don't need to ban books, nobody reads them anyway, they'd rather play
With their smart phones, watch rubbish on television, it's the modern way
Everything simplified and sanitised, must decide which four wheel drive to buy
We stand in the corner petrified, when we could be taking flight, the end is nigh
Our apathy and inaction keeps the contracts alive and moving, Halliburton reconstructing
New buildings upon rubble, the road paved in oil, the aftermath of mass bombing
History keeps repeating with Uncle Sam at the helm, crimes against humanity
War is good for the economy, there's blood in the well, the pinnacle of anarchy
Next time you feel like whinging, spare a thought for the innocents blown to smithereens
By the bombs of Obama and other war pig cretins, squeaky clean like Mr Sheen
Don't tell me about your first world problems, I've just about had it
The military-industrial complex, perpetual war for the sake of profit
You worry about your lack of status, making money is all that matters
Wait until you get stabbed in the back and all your dreams are shattered
Everything we know is up for sale, we're all prostitutes, can't you see?
Fuck the powers that be, that control you and me, it's time to break free
Existence can be challenging for you and for me and all the people in between
Resistance is not an option, it's a necessity if we want to be free, can't you see?
The people have had enough, pitch battles on the street, it's us versus the police
The way we treat each other defies belief, the cruelty, the seeds of greed
Nobody gives a fuck about the plight of the planet, lack of passion, action reaction
We're but slaves to the latest fashions, full of hatred and apathy, not compassion
Let's desecrate that which is scared, our too-fatted livers in a state of cirrhosis
Lost our minds, we stand in the cold half-naked like a meth junkie in the grips of psychosis
Dead inside, we've lost sight of the bigger picture, forget all about the planet's future
It's raining outside as we murder one another in the name of freedom, our species is a failure
Don't tell me about your first world problems, I've just about had it
The military-industrial complex, perpetual war for the sake of profit
You worry about your lack of status, making money is all that matters
Wait until you get stabbed in the back and all your dreams are shattered
Everything we know is up for sale, we're all prostitutes, can't you see?
Fuck the powers that be, that control you and me, it's time to break free
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